Enter into Wayfair's 2017 Trade Tastemaker Awards
They’re baaaa-aaaack!
Yes indeedy, the Wayfair Trade Tastemaker Awards are back for a third year—and this year they're shaping up to be stupendous. With five different award categories you can submit your projects to, submissions are open to Canadians as well (cheers).As for how the winners will be chosen? Well, look no further than yours truly! That’s right, I’ll be helping determine whose interiors reign supreme a la Iron Chef—only nix the knives and flames and add in the company I’ll be alongside: the amazing Chip Wade and Alison Victoria.As part of the campaign (deliberations are February 9th and awards in late March), I've been asked to write a few articles and give me two design cents for others, so click the following images to check out each article:[lgc_column grid="33" tablet_grid="50" mobile_grid="100" last="false"][/lgc_column][lgc_column grid="33" tablet_grid="50" mobile_grid="100" last="false"]
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[/lgc_column]So if you’re a designer who takes risks, has a unique voice, and you’re brimming with talent, submit your projects today. I just may cast my vote for you to win. :)