The Results of Hibernating
This past winter, I was not organizing with every body else a la Marie Kondo. I was actually hibernating—and kind of accumulating, actually...
I had just moved across the country, and in doing so, we purged a lot of things that didn’t “spark”. After moving in, there was a lot of humming and hawing over where things should go, and inevitably there were a few spaces that felt empty and begged for something. In any case, it’s taken a while for things to settle.
When I wasn't at home nesting throughout the winter, I was out exploring our new town. I took time off to think a lot, to feel out or home, and to get to know our new space, slowly, by living in it. The first room we finished designing was our master bedroom, and by the new year, I was itching to write down, act on, and organize all these new thoughts and ideas.
Once again, it goes to show you how beneficial it can be to step back, become present again if you've lost it, and take some time to connect with and address whatever you need to.
In this down time, I built and created a new online shop, re-instated my Sunday Newsletter (subscribe if you're interested), organized my design and illustration portfolio and booked a vacation for Mike's 30th birthday.
Anyhow, that sums is up for now, but do look out for more regular blog content starting... now! And as always, feel free to join the conversation on Instagram where you can ask me anything.
x, S