My New Tv Show 'Save My Reno' Premiers Wednesday April 5th @ 10pm on HGTV

As you may or may not know, over the past year, I've been working on a new HGTV series, 'Save My Reno'.

After months and months of hard work on 14 home renovations, it all begins airing next Wednesday April 5th at 10pm EST on HGTV. Sebastian (my co-host) and I are pumped and can't wait until all you party people can feast your eyes on the fun.I won't bore you with detail here, rather, I encourage you to check out the following links for more:

  • Our show page on is live! I did a fun interview titled '23 Things You Didn't Know About Sabrina Smelko' and you can read my little bio.
  • I sat down with the kind and witty Colin and Justin (the duo who "discovered" me for lack of a better term) to chat about my transition into TV and what you can expect from Save My Reno. Read the interview that was published in The Toronto Sun, 24 Hours Toronto and 24 Hours Vancouver.
  • Our teaser is running on HGTV now, and I cannot tell you how trippy it is hearing my voice and seeing my face while I'm watching Fixer Upper or Masters of Flip. Sooooo bizarre. (Or watch it embedded below)
  • I'll be doing some fun promo, press and Facebook live events in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!
  • And lastly, PLEASE TUNE IN :) I would so appreciate it! Once again, Wednesday April 5th at 10pm, and hey, it doesn't hurt to put it on on allllll your TVs ;)

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Fun Behind-The-Scenes From The Set of 'Save My Reno' (Airing Tomorrow on HGTV)


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