Extensive List of Sound Healing Frequencies

Following up on Episode 5 of my podcast on everything sound healing, I wanted to provide a list of sound healing frequencies (Hz). To find a keyword quickly, simply press command F on your keyboard and type in your concern, like 'headache' or 'jetlag'.

Appendix of Issues & Corresponding Frequency

Abdominal pain - 10000, 3, 3000, 95

Abscesses (also use Staphylococcus aureus and see Listeriose) - 2720, 2170, 880, 787, 727, 190, 500

Abscesses secondary - 1550, 802, 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660

Acidosis (hyper acidity) - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 20, 146

Acne - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 1552, 1500, 802, 880, 787, 727, 564, 778

Acne secondary - 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660

Acne vulgaris - 564

Aconite (used to stimulate lymphocyte production) - 3347, 5611, 2791

Actinobacillus (a potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammals) - 773 , 776, 778, 822

Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that can cause deep, pus-filled holes in tissue) - 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 747, 727, 20

Acupuncture disturbance field (scar focus) - 5.9

Acute pain - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Adenoids - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 444, 20, 428, 660, 2720, 2170

Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be either benign or malignant. Also see Cancer.) - 433

Adenovirus (a virus that can cause colds/flu and infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestines) - 333, 523, 786, 768, 959, 962

Adhesions - 2720, 2170, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 760, 727, 190

Adnamia, geriatric (fatigue of age) - 60, 27.5

Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes) - 440, 441, 522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312

Adrenal stimulant - 10, 20, 2250

Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food molds) - 344, 510, 943, 474, 476, 568

African trypanosomuasis - 656, 988, 780AIDS (not for use in U.S. see HIV) - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 1500, 1.2, 31000, 31750, 34750

AIDS secondary - 1113 for 12 min, 2128 for 16 min, 6121 for 21 min, 33 for 1 min

AIDS (1) - 1.44, 1550, 1500, 249, 418, 727, 787, 880, 2489, 3100, 3175, 3475

AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418

Alcoholism - 10000

Allergy - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 3, 330, 5000

Alopecia (loss of hair) - 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 146, 800, 1552

ALS (Amyotropic lateral sclerosis, possibly caused by mycolplasma fermentans. Also use MS and see Lyme freqs) - 2900, 864, 790, 690, 610, 484, 986, 644, 254

Alternaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments) - 853, 304

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) - 10000, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 760, 727, 465, 20

Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism) - 310, 333, 532, 732, 769, 827, 1522

Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection) - 344, 605

Amoebic dysentery (see Entamoeba histolyica)

Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (see ALS)

Anal itching (also use Parasites enterobiasis and see Parasites general set) - 10000, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 120, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152

Anaphiaxis (anaphylactic shock)- 10000

Aneurysm - 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 727

Angina (quinsy in swat) - 787, 776, 727, 465, 428, 660

Angina pectoris - 3, 230, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 660, 7.83

Ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 28, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 1.2, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680

Anosmia (loss of smell) - 20, 10000

Anthrax - 500, 633, 1365, 1370, 768, 414, 900

Antiseptic (see General antiseptic)Apoplexy, stroke paralysis - 40, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428

Appendicitis (If micro perforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatal) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 380, 190, 10, 650, 444, 522, 125, 95, 72, 20, 522, 146, 440, 450

Appetite, lack of - 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727

Arenas tennus - 667

Arnica (a topical healing herb) - 1042, 1032

Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt) - 562

Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries; regeneration takes time. Also try chlamydia pneumonia and CMV freqs) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20

Arthritis - 120 for 20 min, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 802, 1664, 80, 60, 40, 30, 25, 26, 20, 10, 5000, 10000,

Arthritis, arthralgia due to gout - 9.39

Arthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism - 9.6

Arthritis, focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis - 9.39

Arthritis, rheumatoid (Cause could be bacteria like chlamydia pneumonia or dental bacteria which must be addressed too. Also try General antiseptic and Parasites roundworms general if no response.) - 250, 1.2, 650, 625, 600, 787, 727, 262, 776

Arthritis, secondary - 2720, 1000, 1500, 770

Asian grippe A - 516, 656, 434

Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflatoxin) - 1823, 247, 1972

Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human infectious processes) - 524, 758

Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and persistent infection) - 374, 697

Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungs) - 743, 339

Asthma (also see Breathing, deep and Liver support, and use Parasites roundworms, ascaris, and

toxocara to determine which sets work best) - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 1283, 1233, 880, 787, 727, 0.5, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 444, 20Asthma (1) - 1283, 1233, 4.7

Asthma (2) - 1234, 3672, 7346, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 47, 120 for 5 min

Astrocytoma (see Cancer, astrocytoma)

Ataxia (incoordination of muscles. Slow results in some cases) - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Ataxia, spastic - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69

Athlete's foot (also see Epidermophyton floccinum and Tinea freqs) - 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000, 644, 766, 464, 802, 1552, 9999, 3176, 304 for 5 minutes

Atmenic Aib. - 562

Autointoxication - 522, 146, 1550, 10000, 800, 880, 787, 727, 20

Babesiosis - 76, 570, 1583, 1584

Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode) - 132, 423, 432, 785, 853, 854, 921, 1027, 1042, 1932

Bacillus Coli Rod Form - 800

Bacillus Coli Virus - 1552, 2872

Bacillus infections (B. coli, B. coli rod) - 787, 880, 802, 727, 1552, 800

Bacillus subtilis (can cause conjunctivitis) - 432, 722, 822, 1246

Bacillus thuriniensis - 520, 2551, 902, 1405

Backache (if no relief from these, use kidney stimulation freqs and drink plenty of water) - 760, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, l0000, 41.2 for 3 min, 212, 305 for 6min, 33 for 5min.

Backache and spasms (1) - 120, 212, 240, 424, 465, 528, 760, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 2112, 5K, 10K

Back pain (1) - 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 7.6, 7.7, 3, 0.5, 432, 465, 727, 728, 776, 784, 787

Bacteria Lactis Nosode - 512, 526, 5412

Bacterial infections (if bacterial infection is chronic and the type is accurately diagnosed and neither frequencies nor antibiotics are effective long term, also use Parasites general and roundworms sets. Also see General antiseptic and specific types.) - 20, 465, 866, 664, 690, 727, 787, 832, 800, 880, 1550, 784

Bacterium coli (a type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most frequent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infection) - 642, 358, 539

Bacterium coli commune (E. coli) combination - 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Bacterium lactis nosode - 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412

Bacteroides fragilis (use with Parasites ascaris set) - 633 to 637

Bad breath (see Halitosis)

Baker's Yeast allergy (homeopathy preparation) - 775, 843

Banti's syndrome (Ailment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.) - 1778

Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 377, 224, 1447

Basidiomycetes - 751

BC G Vaccine - 277, 768, 832, 725

Bed wetting (enuresis. See also Parasite general, pinworm, and ascaris freqs) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465

Bedsores - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 1.2, 73

Bell's Palsy (1) - 2.4, 3, 3.9, 7.83, 20, 27.57, 33, 35, 40, 47.5, 57.5, 72, 90.88, 110, 125, 194, 222, 304, 393.5, 464, 565.5, 600, 625, 650, 727, 776, 787, 833, 880, 932.5, 1250

Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 422, 767, 847, 971, 644, 780

Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271, 1250, 170, 715, 774, 776

Biliary headache - 8.5, 3.5

Biliousness - 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 832, 787, 727, 465

Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high concentrations. See also Liver support) - 717, 726, 731, 863, 9305, 649, 734

Biting of insects - 880, 727

Black widow - 376, 728Bladder and prostate complaints - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 9.39

Bladder TBC - 642, 771, 360, 726, 724

Blastocystis hominus - 365, 595, 844, 848, 1201, 1243, 5777, 11425, 11841, 11967, 13145, 13469, 21776

Blepharisma - 3120

Blood diseases - 880, 787, 727

Blood pressure, high (see Hypertension)

Blood pressure, low (see Hypotension)

Blue cohosh (a healing herb) - 364

Boils (see Furunkulosis)

Bone disease, periodontal disease (see osteo) - 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650, 625, 600, 880, 787, 776, for 3 min, 727/728 for 15 min

Bone regeneration - 2720, 10000

Bone spurs - 1.2, 250

Bone trauma (cuts, fractures) - 380, 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 2720

Borrelia/borreliosis (see Lyme disease)

Botrytis - 1545

Botrytis cinereas - 1132, 212

Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoning) -518, 533, 639, 172, 1372, 691, 683

Brachial neuralgia - 0.5

Brain tumor (see Cancer, droglioma, astrocytoma, glioma)

Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis - 2013, 579, 581, 687, 770, 772, 775, 778, 2013

Breast, fibroid cysts - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 267, 1384

Breathing, deep - 1234, 3672, 7344

Bright's syndrome (see Nephritis)Bronchial asthma (see Asthma)

Bronchial pneumonia (see Pneumonia, bronchial)

Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi) - 342, 510, 778

Bronchitis - 880, 727, 9.39, 9.35, 1234, 3672, 7344, 743, 20, 72, 333, 452, 464, 683

Bronchitis secondary - 776, 766

Bronchopneumonia borinum (see Pneumonia, bronchial)

Brown recluse - 724

Brucella abortus (undulant fever or Bang's bacillus, found in cattle) - 1423

Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep) - 748, 643, 695

Bruises - 9.1, 110, 10000

Bubonic plague (Versenia pestis; spread primarily by rats) - 500, 333, 210, 216

Bubonic plague secondary infections - 880, 787, 727, 20

Bunion pain - 20

Burns - 190, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 200

Bursitis (May be caused by any number of organisms and viruses; experiment with arthritis frequencies as well.) - 880, 787, 727 ]

BX Virus - 2128, 3713

Caeliacia - 674

Calming - 6000

Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newborns) - 732, 733, 1633, 1834, 2222, 333, 378

Cancer (BASIC SET. Also see rotation of General sets 1, 2, and 3 as Basic sets. All others below are SECONDARY but may provide useful additional frequencies depending on type. Also add ones determined from scans. See Electroherbalism Cancer Regimen for more information.) - 2128, 2008, 2184, 2084, 2048, 2720, 2452, 6064, 120, 524, 854, 800, 728, 784, 880, 666, 464, 5000, 3176, 10000, 3040

Cancer (experimental additional frequencies to basic sets) - 55.56, 6.8, 440, 778, 1050, 1550, 2180, 663, 3672

Cancer cells, conidium head - 728

Cancer maintenance secondary - 120, 250, 428, 465, 600, 626, 650, 661, 664, 667, 690, 728, 776, 784, 800, 802, 832, 880, 1489, 1550, 1600, 1865, 2000, 2012, 2100, 2170, 2490, 2730 for 1 min.

Cancer not killed by 2008/2128 - 2180, 2182, 2184

Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal - 47, 2182, 2219, 832, 2084, 2127, 2160, 2452, 2876

Cancer, adenoma - 433

Cancer, astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) -857, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 2170, 543, 641, 2127, 880, 690, 666

Cancer, bladder secondary (see Parasites, schistosoma)

Cancer, breast (1) - 2100, 2104, 2116, 2120, 866, 2128, 676, 2152, 166, 2182, 732, 3072, 2150, 1550, 2189, 2112, 3072, 2008, 120

Cancer, breast (1) secondary - 422, 942, 4412, 1862, 808, 1552, 728, 2720, 1234, 690, 2160, 2136, 477, 28, 317, 96, 3176, 3040, 2145, 2048, 1830, 2112

Cancer, breast (2) - 3672, 2008, 2063, 2103, 2128, 2146, 2133, 2162, 2173, 2180, 2189, 2208, 2263, 2289, 2333, 1865, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48

Cancer, breast (3) - 656, 127, 1582, 478, 982, 2134, 2120, 9000, 9999, 304

Cancer, breast (4) - 2128 for 56 mins, 33, 1131 for 1 min

Cancer, BX virus - 2128, 3713, 2876

Cancer, BY virus - 2008, 3524

Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin - 2116 for 30 min, 760, 2280 for 5 min

Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial - 462, 776, 852, 1582, 2104, 2144, 2184, 3672

Cancer, carcinoma, colon - 656

Cancer, carcinoma, general - 2128, 1820

Cancer, carcinoma, larynx - 327, 524, 731, 1133

Cancer, carcinoma, liver (1) - 393, 479, 520, 734, 3130

Cancer, carcinoma, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke, liver)

Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative - 214Cancer, carcinoma, scan - 728, 690, 2008, 2104, 2112, 2120, 2128, 2136, 2144, 2152, 2160, 2168, 2176, 2184, 2192, 2200, 2217, 5000, 9999, 304

Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative - 127

Cancer, cervical secondary (see Papilloma virus)

Cancer, droglioma (see also Cancer, glioma, astrocytoma) - 853

Cancer, fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skin) - 1744

Cancer, fibrous tumor secondary - 1340

Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma - 676

Cancer, general, set 1 - 728, 784, 880, 464, 666, 2720, 800, 120, 2084, 2184, 2050, 524, 2489, 2720, 854, 2008, 2128, 5000, 10000, 3176, 304

Cancer, general, set 2 - 727, 786, 880, 465, 1552, 802, 1862, 2182, 20, 64, 72, 96, 125, 664, 2489, 2720, 2048, 2008, 2127, 3176, 665, 3040, 10000, 3176, 304

Cancer, general, set 3 - 728, 943, 414, 866, 886, 732, 676, 690, 776, 240, 650, 442, 2180, 2489, 1865, 523, 128, 2128, 2008, 2049, 2720, 10000, 3176, 304

Cancer, glioblastoma - 720, 2008, 2128, 2180, 2182, 728, 832, 800, 664, 20, 855, 543, 641, 857

Cancer, glioblastoma tremor - 463, 466

Cancer, gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) - 543, 641, 857

Cancer, Hodgkin's disease (a form of malignancy characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia. Also called lymphogranuloma. Also see Chlamydia pneumoniae.) - 552, 1522

Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647

Cancer, leukemia - 2127, 2008, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 2217

Cancer, leukemia "hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage of others) - 122, 622, 932, 5122, 488, 781

Cancer, leukemia myeloid (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cells) - 422, 822

Cancer, leukemia, feline (cat) - 424, 830, 901, 918

Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic - 478, 833Cancer, leukemia, T-cell - 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

Cancer, liver (see Cancer, carcinoma, liver)

Cancer, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke, liver)

Cancer, lung (see Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial)

Cancer, lymphogranuloma, lymphoma (see Hodgkin's disease)

Cancer, lymphogranuloma venereum secondary (see Chlamydia trachomatis)

Cancer, lymphosarcoma - 482

Cancer, melanoma metastasis - 979

Cancer, multiple myeloma secondary (see Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma)

Cancer, mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 852

Cancer, nasopharyngeal secondary (see EBV)

Cancer, pain - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666

Cancer, plasmacytoma (plasma-cell tumor) - 475

Cancer, prostate (also see Prostate adenominum and Prostate hyperplasia) - 20, 60, 72, 95, 125, 666, 727, 787, 790, 766, 800, 920, 1998, 1875, 442, 2008, 2127, 2128, 2217, 2720, 2050, 2250, 5000, 2130, 2120, 690, 304

Cancer, prostate (1) - 2128, 2125, 2131, 2140 for 3 to 6 min, 2145, 666, 3672 for 3 to 4 min

Cancer, prostate (Vega result 1) - 854, 1840, 2145, 2288

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma (1) - 2000, 2005, 2008, 2016, 2048, 2084, 2093, 6024, 2100, 2128, 2127, 2184, 2217, 6384, 728, 784, 880, 464

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result 1) - 2586, 5476, 4445

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal - 2004, 2008, 2016, 2032, 2040, 2060, 2586, 6024

Cancer, sarcoma general - 1755, 2008, 3524

Cancer, skin (see Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin and specific forms)

Cancer, stomach secondary (see Heliobacter pylori)

Cancer, tertiary - 20, 421, 965, 50, 383Cancrum oris (rapidly growing oral or nasal ulcer) - 20, 727, 787, 802, 880

Candida (use Parasite general, roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work long term) - 414, 464, 877, 866, 886, 254.2, 381, 661, 762, 742, 1151, 450

Candida carcinomas - 2167, 2182, 465

Candida secondary (also use other parasite sets (esp roundworm freqs) if necessary) - 72, 422, 582, 727, 787, 802, 1016, 1134, 1153, 1550, 2222, 412, 543

Candida tertiary (some causal factors) - 880, 95, 125, 20, 60, 225, 427, 240, 650, 688, 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146

Candida tropicalis - 1403, 675, 709

Canine parvovirus - 185, 188, 323, 428, 433, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027

Canine parvovirus, mutant strain - 323, 514

Canine parvovirus, type B - 323, 535, 613, 755, 761, 764, 766, 768

Canker sore (see Stomatitis aphthous)

Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal) - 444

Carbuncles (see Staphylococcus aureus)

Cardiacedema - 9.19

Carpal tunnel secondary - 2008, 666

Carvularia spiratera - 879

Cat virus (1) - 364, 379, 645, 654, 786, 840-849, 857, 967, 6878

Cataract (also use eye formula antioxidant supplement for all macular degeneration) - 1830, 728, 784, 787, 800, 880, 10000

Cataract, brunescent (brown opacity in later life) - 2010, 1335, 1830

Cataract, complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgery) - 1830, 496, 325, 774

Cataract (1) - 1830, 1600, 9999, 1552, 2110, 1335, 1654, 2187, 2195, 2211

Catarrh - 1550, 802, 800, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20

Causticum - 540, 1013Cells of Leudig (colon) tonic - 2500

Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibiotics) - 481, 3966, 544

Cephalothecium - 371, 574, 6933

Cerebral palsy - 880, 787, 727, 522, 146

Cerebrospinal troubles - 10000

Cerumen (ear wax) - 311, 320, 750, 984, 720

Cervical polyp - 277, 288, 867, 687, 744

Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - 20, 727, 787, 880

Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix) - 433

Chaetomiumglobosum - 221, 867, 102

Chakra base root - 20, pulsed at 4Hz.

Chancre (see Syphilis)

Chelidonium - 162

Chemical sensitivity (see also Liver support) - 727

Chemtrail detox - 664, 7344, 2842, 1147, 686.6, 684.1, 1113, 779.9, 829.3, 679.2, 865, 969.9, 1067, 783.6, 800.4, 1045, 1062, 673.9, 690.7 for 5 min.

Chest infection secondary - 72, 333, 452, 683

Chicken pox (see herpes zoster)

Chilblains (see Perniosis)

Chlamydia trachomatis (a usually sexually-transmitted bacterial infection causing trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum, urethritis, and proctitis.) - 430, 620, 624, 840, 2213, 866

Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp) - 471.5, 942.9, 1885.9, 3771.7*, 7543.4

Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp, secondary) - 470, 940.1, 1880.1, 3760.3, 7520.5

Cholecystitis, acute (excruciating gallstone attack) - 481, 743, 865, 928

Cholecystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder) - 432, 1551, 801Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestines) - 330, 843, 844, 556, 1035, 968, 591, 691

Cholera secondary - 880, 802, 450, 880, 787, 727

Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear & mastoid region) - 453, 618, 793, 5058

Cholesterinum - 1386, 173, 620, 635, 780

Chronic fatigue syndrome (use with General parasite, roundworm, and fluke sets if necessary. Also see EBV and Fatigue general sets. If no response to these, try Cancer leukemia "hairy cell" set) - 10000, 660, 2127, 787, 465, 424, 664, 120, 880, 1550

Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black cohosh) - 334, 594

Circulation disturbances - 40, 9.39

Circulatory stasis (stimulates blood circulation. See also Circulation disturbances) - 40, 2112, 2145, 2720, 2489

Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271

Cirrhosis hepatitis - 291

Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus) - 438, 233, 776, 510

Clostridium difficile (can cause diarrhea following treatment with antibiotics) - 387, 635, 673

CMV (cytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) -126, 597, 629, 682, 1045, 2145, 8848, 8856

Coelicia - 154, 594, 656, 586, 668, 787, 7958, 665, 674

Cold in head, chest (Mutates constantly; too many strains to include complete list of frequencies. See also Strep Pneumonia, Adenovirus, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Chest infection, and Rhino pneumonitis sets. Use lots of echinacea at onset to prevent cell damage that prolongs healing, even if correct freqs are found.) - 10000, 7344, 333, 4412, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 766, 727, 444, 20

Cold and Flu (fall, 98) - 250, 465, 8210 for 5min, 8700, 7760 for 15min

Cold (1) - 5500, 4400, 802, 787, 727, 720, 552, 440, 400, 125, 72 for 5 min, 800, 880 for 10 min

Cold (2) - 652, 725, 746, 751, 768, 1110, 333, 666, 542, 522

Cold (3) (fall, 99) - 20, 120, 146, 440, 444, 465, 727, 776, 787, 880, 1500, 1550, 5000, 1000 for 5 min.

Cold (and flu) (4) - 3176, 2489 for 3 min, 880, 800 for 10 min, 728 for 5 min.Cold (5) - 7728, 4888 for 10 min, 8238, 2413, 880, 787, 776, 727, 440, 746, 567, 7880, 787 for 3 min, 300, 310, 1234, 9999 for 200 sec

Cold/Flu (winter 2001)(1) - 959, 962

Cold sores (see Herpes Simplex I)

Colic - 1550, 832, 802, 787, 727, 20

Colitis (inflammation of colon) - 10000, 1550, 880, 832, 802, 440

Collectotrichum - 1482

Colon problems, general - 20, 440, 880, 1552, 802, 832

Comedones (blackhead) - 778

Condylomata (usually venereal warts, caused by papilloma virus. Occur near intersection of mucous membranes and skin. See also Papilloma.) - 466

Conjunctivitis (also use Chlamydia trachomatis and see Bacillus subtilis) - 489, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20, 80, 432, 722, 822, 1246, 1830

Constipation (also see Parasites general and roundworm sets if necessary) -1550, 880, 802, 832, 787, 776, 422, 727, 20

Contusion (bruise) - 9.1, 110, 2720

Convoforce - 774

Convulsions (1) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Convulsions, spasticity - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69

Coraforce - 774

Corallinus - 533

Corn smut - 546, 1642, 289

Corynebacterium diptheriae (see Diptheria)

Covid - 207, 337, 291.7, 331.4, 437.6, 497.1, 583.5, 662.7, 1167, 1312.8, 1,491.2, 2333.9, 2650, 4,667.8, 145.9, 165.7

Costalgia (rib pain) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Coughing - 522, 524, 525, 146, 1500, 1550, 0.5, 514, 530, 432, 440, 444, 720, 1234, 3702, 20, 125, 72, 95, 7.7

Coxsackie (see also Mumps) - 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923, 769, 1189, 595, 676

Coxsackie B1 - 353, 384, 834, 587, 723

Coxsackie B2 - 705, 534, 867

Coxsackie B3 - 487, 868, 653, 654

Coxsackie B4 - 421, 353, 540, 8632

Coxsackie B5 - 462, 1043, 1083, 569, 647, 708, 774

Coxsackie B6 - 488, 736, 814, 343, 551, 657, 668, 669

Cramping and nausea - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9

Cramps - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 26

Cramps, menstrual - 26

Crinis humansis - 646

Crocus sotillus - 710

Crohn's disease (also use colitis, colon, and parasite freqs) - 727

Cryptococcus neoformans (yeast which causes respiratory infection than can turn into meningitis. Also known as torulosis.) - 367, 428, 444, 476, 478, 522, 579, 594, 785, 792, 872, 2121, 5880, 5884, 597, 613, 624

Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa sometimes causing diarrhea in humans) -220, 482, 575, 4122, 698, 711, 893, 895, 1276, 5690

Cunninghamella - 311, 323

Curva spic - 435

Cuts - 20

Cyclospora - 543, 316, 992, 751, 268, 2144

Cysts, hydatid (see Parasites tapeworm)

Cyst, ovarian - 982Cyst, solitary - 75, 76, 543

Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, a disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus. See also Parasites general and roundworm freqs) - 523, 557, 478, 776, 660, 727, 778, 787, 802, 880

Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters) - 246, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20

Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney) - 1385

Cytomegalovirus (CMV, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) - 126, 597, 682, 1045, 2145

Deafness (partial to complete) - 10000, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20

Deer tick (1) - 7989, 289, 737, 738, 271, 671, 773

Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions) - 243, 738

Dental - 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094, 685, 60, 48, 465

Dental foci (Neglecting this can prevent recovery from ANY illness) -3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 5170, 646

Depression (due to drugs or toxins) - 1.1, 73

Depression (due to outside circumstances) - 35, 787

Depression, anxiety, trembling, weakness - 3.5, 800

Detox assist - 10000, 3176

Diabetes (Warning; can cause large drop in blood sugar level) - 20, 35, 465, 6.8, 440, 484, 660, 727, 787, 800, 803, 880, 1850, 2008, 2127, 2000, 2003, 2013, 2050, 2080 for 3 min, 5000 for 15 min.

Diabetes secondary - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20

Diabetes tertiary - 1850, 32000, 4000, 500

Diabetes (1) - 4200, 2128, 1865, 1850, 1550, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 302

Diabetes associated infection (1) - 2020, 800, 727, 190, 80, 20

Diabetic loading - 35, 700

Diabetic toe ulcer (1) (use Staph aureus freqs and see Staph general)General antiseptic, and Circulation stimulation as needed) - 786, 1050, 1.2, 5000, 832, 20

Diarrhea (see also Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems, giardia and IBS freqs. Also see Parasite general set if no relief.) - 1550, 880, 832, 802, 786, 727, 465

Diphtheria (bacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial toxins. Rare in US.) - 151, 624, 776, 340, 925, 432, 590, 788

Dirofilaria immitis (see Parasites heartworm)

Disc, herniated - 727, 787, 2720, 10000

Distemper - 242, 253, 254, 255, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 760, 940, 950, 1269, 1950, 8567, 660, 760

Distortion (twisting of muscles, spine) - 9.1, 110

Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colon) - 154, 934

Dizziness (see Vertigo)

DNA repair (exp) - 528, 731, 732

Dog and cat hostility - 3.6

Down's syndrome palliative - 20

Droglioma (see Cancer, droglioma)

Drug addiction - 20

Duodenal ulcer (see Ulcer, duodenal)

Duodenitis - 223

Dupuytren's contracture (4th and 5th finger curling into hand, unable to straighten) - 1.2 , 250

Dysentery (acute diarrhea with blood and mucus. Also use Entamoeba histolyica, Salmonella, and Shigella) - 1552, 802, 832

Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) use with pure water douche - 26, 4.9, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465

Dyspepsia (indigestion, if chronic or with bloating, also see Parasites general) - 10000, 880, 1550, 832, 800, 787, 727, 465, 444, 20, 125, 95, 72, 4.9E. coli (Escherichia coli; can cause infections in wounds and the urinary tract. If using these leads to cold symptoms, follow with Adenovirus freqs) - 282, 289, 7849, 327, 548, 333, 413, 642, 799, 802, 804, 832, 957, 1320, 1550, 1722

E. coli mutant strain - 556, 934, 1242, 1244, 1703, 632, 634, 776

Ear conditions, various (discharges, tinnitus, itching, hearing loss. Also see Otitis.) - 9.19, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 410, 158, 201, 340, 440, 535, 542, 645, 652, 683

Ear fungus (1) - 854

Ear wax - 311, 320, 750, 984

EBV (see Epstein-Barr Virus)

Echinococcinum (tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man) - 164, 453, 542, 623

Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa, causes a type of meningitis) - 620, 625, 722, 765, 922, 514, 788, 461

Eczema - 9.19, 707, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 10000, 5000, 2720, 2008, 2180, 2128, 664, 120, 20

Eczema in vascular and lung functional disturbances - 9.39

Eczema (1) - 770, 916, 415

Eczema (2) - 730.2, 1550, 802, 787, 690

Edema and swelling - 40, 522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20, 5000, 10000

Electrolyte levels (water, sodium, potassium) to improve - 8.1, 20, 10000

Elephantiasis (use with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode freqs) - 623, 824, 865, 710

Emotional ties to diseases - 764, 664

Emphysema (use with parasite, esp roundworm freqs) - 1234, 3672, 7344, 880, 787, 727, 120, 20, 80

Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord) - 841

Endocarditis (see Listeriose)

Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine bleeding. Use with general parasite, liver and pancreatic fluke sets) - 246, 800, 1550

Endometriosis tuberylosa (see Echo virus)Energy and vitality - 9999

Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing dysentery and liver infection) - 148, 166, 308, 393, 631, 778

Enterobiasis - (pinworms - see Parasites, enterobiasis)

Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tracts) - 686, 409

Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver) - 552, 932, 953

Enuresis (bed wetting. Use with parasite sets) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Epicoccum - 734, 778

Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) lateral or vertical - 1.2, 250, 728, 766, 776, 880

Epidermophyton floccinum (fungus that attacks skin & nails, including some athlete's foot and "jock itch" ringworms. Also see Microsporum freqs and Fungal general if necessary.) - 465, 784, 644, 766, 345 (22107)

Epididymitis (inflammation of testicle area, ducts. See also Orchitis.) - 2250, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 20

Epilepsy - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727, 700, 650, 600, 210, 633, 125, 20

Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis) - 105, 172, 253, 274, 660, 663, 667, 669, 738, 825, 8768, 1013, 1920, 6618

Epstein-Barr virus secondary (also try General parasite and roundworm freqs) - 744, 776, 778, 465, 880, 787, 727, 1032, 1920

Eriterocoucinum - 686

Erysipelas (bacterial infection manifesting in skin inflammation caused by strep pyrogenes or other pathogens and possibly related to the swine form of the disease) - 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20

Erythema nosodum - 9.39

Escherichia coli - (see E. coli)

Esophagus (constriction. Also see General antiseptic and dental freqs) - 880, 787, 727

Euglena - 432, 3215, 3225, 3325, 6448

Eustachian tube inflammation - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465Eye disorders (blurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia, infections, etc.) - 1830, 1600, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 1552, 160, 350, 360, 2010, 1335, 496, 400

Eye inflammation (also see General antiseptic) - 1.2, 80

Eyelid droop (see Plosis)

Eyes (glaucoma) - 1600, 1830, 880, 787, 727

Eyesight (to sharpen) - 350, 360, 1830

Facial cramps - 10000, 6000, 304, 1131, 33

Facial paralysis - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Facial toning - 1.2

Fainting - 20

Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin. Also see Fibroid freqs) - 20

Fatigue, general - 428, 424, 664, 660, 464, 125, 120, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 10000, 5000

Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse) - 547, 356

Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile) - 672

Feli - 435

Feline (cat) leukemia - 258, 332, 414, 424, 544, 830, 901, 918, 997, 741, 743

Feli - 435, 742

Felis - 430, 834, 2232, 3233

Felon (pus, infection of finger tips) - 657, 659, 738, 751

Felon II - 663, 665, 720, 722

Feloris Wolyhnica - 547

Fever (various causes) - 880, 800, 832, 422, 2112, 787, 727, 20

Fever, sunstroke - 20, 440, 880

Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breasts) - 1384

Fibroma - 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 1550, 802, 465Fibromyalgia - 328, 880, 800, 728, 5000, 2720, 2180, 2128, 664, 464, 304, 120, 20

Fibromyalgia (1) - 120, 140, 304, 464, 728, 800, 880, 2489, 3176, 5000, 6000, 9000 for 5 min

Fibrosarcoma - 1744

Fibrosis of Jung - 27.5, 220, 410

Fibropendulum - 661, 7465, 211, 233, 766

Fischpyrogen - 832

Fissures - 787, 20, 10000

Fistula Dentalis - 550, 727, 844, 878, 1122

Fistula, ulcer (see also Staph freqs) - 880, 832, 787, 727

FIV - 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103, 1132, 3701

Flatulence - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465

Flea - 2374

Flu (see Influenza)

Flukes (see Parasites, flukes)

Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt) - 110, 342, 420, 423, 688, 757

Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) -253, 693, 701, 774

Folliculitis, hot-tub (tiny pimples) - 174, 482, 5311

Food poisoning (some classes. Also use Salmonella typhimurium and see General antiseptic, Abdominal pain, and Abdominal inflammation.) - 1552, 802, 832

Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) - 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411

Foot-blisters - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465

Fractures - 220, 230, 10000, 880, 787, 727

Frequency fatigue (tiredness (that is not detox) from using frequency generator too long) - 10.55, 7.83

Frigidity, female - 10000, 20Frostbite - 880, 787, 727

Frozen shoulder - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727

Fruitfly - 2167

Fungus EW range - 823 to 829

Fungus flora (1) - 331, 336, 555, 587, 632, 688, 757, 882, 884, 887

Fungus, general (also see candida, yeast, and other specific types) - 72, 254, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 1134, 1153, 2222, 465, 1550, 784, 880, 802, 727, 20

Fungus and mold, general - 728, 880, 784, 464, 886, 866, 414, 254, 344, 2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132, 866

Furunkulosis (boils on skin. Also use Staph aureus freqs) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 660, 20, 116, 770

Furunkulosis herpes (also see Herpes general and Furunkulosis)- 200, 1000, 1550, 802, 787, 727

Fusarium general- 768, 625, 746

Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye) - 102, 332, 705, 795, 780

Gallbladder pain - 1550, 800

Gallstones - 3000, 1552, 880, 787, 727, 20, 6000, 10000, 444

Gastritis and flatus - 832, 787, 727, 676, 422, 20

General antiseptic - 855, 787, 760, 777, 450, 660, 10000

Gingivitis (inflammation of gums. See also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis. Take calcium and magnesium internally and brush with myrrh or goldenseal, and CoQ10) - 1550, 802, 787, 728, 726, 465, 20, 1556, 776

Gliocladium (brain fungus) - 855, 469, 633

Gonorrhea - 660, 600, 712Gout (see also Kidney freqs) - 9.39, 3000, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Granuloma dent - 441

Gravel in urine - 2.65, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Haemophilia tonic (hereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clot) - 778, 845, 751

Hair, human - 646

Halitosis - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 20

Hallucinations - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Hangover - 10000, 522, 146

Hay fever - 880, 787, 727, 20

Headaches - 304, 144, 1.2, 520, 5.8, 6.3, 7.83, 3000, 650, 625, 600

Healing and regeneration - 2720, 47

Heartburn, chronic - 787, 727, 685, 125, 95, 72, 20

Heliobacterium pylori (ulcer) - 676

Hemophilia - 603

Hemorrage - 1550, 802

Hemorrhoids - 4474, 6117, 774, 1550, 447, 880, 802, 727Hepatitis A - 321, 346, 414, 423, 487, 558, 578, 693, 786, 878, 3220, 717

Hepatitis B - 334, 433, 767, 869, 876, 477, 574, 752, 779

Hepatitis C - 166, 224, 317, 329, 528, 633, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 1371, 2189

Hepatitis, general - 28, 1550, 1351, 880, 802, 727, 224, 317, 329, 477, 922

Hepatitis, general secondary - 284, 458, 477, 534, 788, 922, 9670, 768, 777, 1041

Hernia - 10000, 787, 727, 2720, 5000

Herpes, general - 1577, 1550, 1489, 464, 1900, 304 for 3 min, 1488*, 2950 for 15 min.

Herpes Zoster (Shingles) 1557 574 1900 1550 727 787 880

Hiatal hernia (use staph and strep sets)

Hiccups - 20, 10000

Hip pain (see also Arthritis) - 880, 787, 727, 20

Histoplasma - 424, 616, 749HIV (see also AIDS) - 683, 714, 3554, 830, 450

Hives (urticaria) - 1800, 880, 787, 727, 522, 146, 4.9

Hoarseness - 880, 760, 727

Hodgkin's disease (see Cancer)

Hormonal imbalances - 5.5

Hot flashes (complications) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Hyperacidity of stomach - , 20, 230

Hyperosmia - 20, 10000, 522, 146

Hypertension - 20, 95, 324, 528, 15, 9.19, 7.83, 6, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 304

Hypotension (low blood pressure) - 727, 787, 880

Hypothyroid - 12, 10000

Hypoxia (low oxygen, use also Circulatory stasis) - 727, 880, 10000

Ileocolitis, colon inflammation - 802, 832, 440

Immune system stimulation - 8, 1862, 2008, 2128, 2180, 3347, 5611, 2791, 3448, 2929, 4O14, 5611, 2867, 2855, 432Impotence (many classes. Also use Circulatory stasis) - 2127, 465, 10000, 802, 787, 666, 95, 72, 650, 600

Incontinence (1) - 2250, 2050, 2128, 690, 666 for 10 min

Infantile paralysis (polio) - 880, 787, 776, 10000

Infections general - 880, 802, 786, 728, 95, 72, 48, 20, 5500, 676, 422

Infertility (see also Impotence) - 980, 802, 787, 727, 666, 650, 625, 600

Influencinum vesica (blisters) general - 403, 292, 588, 612, 975, 407, 682

Influenza- mutates to new strains constantly but these may be helpful. See also influenza, Grippe and Influenza, Virus (use square wave) 10000, 1050, 3040, 440, 3673, 7766, 7344, 1234, 5000, 728, 7270, 784, 7870, 1600, 2720, 2498, 2170, 885, 1550, 1500, 2008, 20080, 304, 800, 8020, 880, 8450, 7760, 2128, 21275, 20, 1800, 440, 512, 683, 2050, 803, 8300, 776, 7660, 690, 8000, 850, 875

Influenza_1_99_00 - 10000, 880, 727, 330, 728

Influenza_2_99_00 - 440, 465, 613, 666, 727, 787, 800, 1000, 5000, 10000

Influenza_with_respiratory_1 (winter 99 to 00) - 47, 1191, 2398, 2544, 5608, 7760, 7766, 672, 674, 676, 678, 680, 647, 649, 651, 653, 1215, 724, 726, 728, 730, 732, 746, 768, 687

Influenza_1957_A_Asian - 768, 574

Influenza_1978 - 844, 814, 610

Influenza_1979 - 123, 513, 522, 565, 788, 601

Influenza_1983 - 424, 730, 734, 428

Influenza_1989 - 216, 322, 627, 703, 748

Influenza_1993 - 522, 615, 778, 850, 959

Influenza_1993_secondary - 207, 254, 580s, 848, 947, 7967, 8910, 739, 741, 760, 765, 773, 915

Influenza_1994 - 689, 697, 699, 798

Influenza_1994_secondary - 337, 690, 868, 869, 702, 727, 729, 776, 779

Influenza_1997_1998 - 2008, 880, 787, 727, 35, 20, 465

Influenza_Asian_grippe_A - 516, 656, 434

Influenza_autumn_1998 (use 8700 and 7760 for 15min) - 250, 465, 8210, 8700, 7760

Influenza_Bach_Poly - 122, 350, 487, 572, 634, 768, 823, 1043, 1272, 764, 771

Influenza_grippe_general - 343, 500, 512, 541, 862, 1000, 1192, 3012, 3423, 10223

Influenza_grippe_vapch - 153, 343

Influenza_grippe_1986_tri - 532, 588, 660, 662, 664, 666, 668, 670, 994, 462, 712

Influenza_grippe_1987 - 140, 332, 581, 953, 4868, 730

Influenza_grippe_1988 - 267, 536, 568, 2050, 752, 781

Influenza_grippe_1989 - 353, 536, 874

Influenza_grippe_1990 - 541, 560, 656

Influenza_haemophilus - 542, 552, 885, 959, 734, 633.1, 2532.4

Influenza_haemophilus_type_B (can cause a type of meningitis) - 652, 942, 483, 731, 746Influenza_spanish - 462, 787

Influenzum_toxicum - 854

Influenza_triple_nosode - 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122

Influenza_V_grippe - 861

Influenza_V2_grippe - 324, 652, 653

Influenza_V3_grippe - 550, 553

Influenza_V4_grippe - 232, 352, 2558

Influenza_V5_grippe - 945, 518

Influenza_V75_Victoria - 343, 316, 1020

Influenza_VA2_grippe - 334, 472, 496, 833, 836, 922, 728

Influenza_VA2L_grippe - 447

Influenza_virus_general - 728, 800, 880, 7760, 8000, 8250

Influenza_virus_1991_1992 - 153, 345, 387, 758, 984, 985

Influenza_virus_1991_1992_secondary - 330, 332, 334, 336, 338, 340, 350, 352, 354, 356, 358, 360, 525, 632, 740, 761, 762, 776, 777, 780

Influenza_virus_1992_1993 - 535, 946

Influenza_virus_1992_1993_secondary - 272, 534, 566, 668, 674, 776, 782, 947, 632, 640, 713, 715, 742, 773, 777

Influenza_virus_1993_1994 - 757, 885, 895, 969

Influenza_virus_1993_1994_secondary - 447, 457, 597, 756, 764, 776, 798, 878, 967, 9090, 663, 720, 728, 729, 745, 762, 764, 770, 773, 779

Influenza_virus_A - 322, 332, 776

Influenza_virus_A_1974 - 442

Influenza_virus_A_Port_Chalmers - 622, 863

Influenza_virus_B - 468, 530, 532, 536, 537, 568, 722, 740, 742, 744, 746, 748, 750, 1186, 679

Influenza_virus_B_Hong_Kong - 555

Influenza_virus_swine - 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Influenza_virus_British - 558, 932

Insomnia- 3, 7.83, 10, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 6000, 304

Intelligence, clarity of thought - 20, 10000

Intestinal problems, colon - 10, 440, 880, 787, 727

Irritable bowel syndrome (use with Parasites giardia and Parasites general set) - 727, 787, 802, 1550

Jaundice- 150, 1500, 880, 802, 60, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20

Joint inflammation (also see arthritis sets) - 10000Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647

Kidney - 1633, 1550, 862, 650, 625, 600, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20

Kidney stones 787, 1000, 1552

Knee, joint pain - 880, 787, 727, 28, 20, 7.69, 3, 250,

Large intestine - 8, 440, 880

Laryngeal polyp - 765, 202

Larynx - 10, 465, 444, 1550, 787, 727, 28

Laxative, mild - 802

Legionella (Legionnaires' disease) - 723, 724, 897, 975, 8120, 8856, 690, 693

Leprosy - 600, 1570, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 760, 727, 700, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 500, 450, 440, 428, 660

Leukocytogenesis, stimulates (see also Immune system stimulation) - 20, 727

Leukose - 612, 633, 653, 3722, 644

Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue) - 47, 606, 709

Listeriose - 471, 628, 634, 774, 2162, 7867, 714, 724Lumbago - 800, 880, 787, 727, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 9.19, 8.25

Lupus, general -2024

Lyme disease - 605, 620, 684, 673, 758, 797, 884, 1455, 6863, 6870, 533, 534, 732, 2050

Lymph support - 15.05, 10.36, 3176

Malabsorption syndrome- 787

Malaria - 550, 555, 20, 28, 787, 880, 1518, 1348, 1473, 1002, 1019

Malassezia furfur (causes tinea versicolor. See also Fungus general) - 222, 225, 491, 616, 700

Mannan - 961, 661

Marsh elder - 474

Mastitis (an inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infection) - 654, 698

Mastoiditis (inflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyes) - 287

Measles - 727, 787, 880, 342, 442, 443, 467, 520, 521, 552, 1489, 745, 757, 763, 712

Meningioma (a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord) - 446, 535, 537

Meningitis-322, 517, 720, 733, 764, 822, 1044, 1422, 423

Mental concentration - 10000

Mental disorders 10000, 125, 72, 20, 428, 550, 802

Mercury - 47, 48, 49, 75

Methotrexate - 584

Microsporum audouini- 831, 1222, 285

Migraine - 10

Mold - 565, 623, 745, 933, 1155

Moles - 600, 625, 626, 659, 660, 728, 784

Morgan (bact) - 787, 788, 726

Motion sickness - 625, 600, 465, 648, 1865, 522

Mucor mucedo - 612, 1000, 488, 766, 9788, 735

Mucous membrane inflammation general - 380

Multiple sclerosis - 728, 224, 317, 727, 787, 880Multiple sclerosis- 3057, 802, 880, 690, 660

Muscles, to relax - 120, 240, 760, 6.8, 6000, 304

Muscular dystrophy - 522, 146, 880, 787, 727

Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 532, 678, 852

Myoma (a benign tumor on the uterus) - 420, 453, 832

Myositis (involves progressive muscle weakness) - 120, 125, 129, 1124, 1169

Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage) - 542, 1436

Nausea and cramping - 95, 832, 727, 20

Nephritis (kidney inflammatory disease. Also treat for stones and crystals supplementally), or nephrosis (non-inflammatory kidney disease) - , 423, 636, 688, 787, 10, 20, 10000, 3000

Nerve disorders - 10000, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 880, 787, 727, 625, 600, 95, 72, 660

Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system) -95, 833, 10000

Neuralgia, intercostal - 802

Neuralgia, trigeminal - 880

Neurosis - 28

Neurospora sitophila - 705, 878

Nigrospora spp - 302, 350, 764

Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs) - 231, 237, 694, 719, 887

Numbness (also see Circulatory stasis) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 440, 660

Oat smut - 806Oligodena - 853

Orchitis (inflammation of testes due to TB, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, bacteria, etc. See also causative condition if known) - 2489, 2170, 2008, 1800, 1600, 802, 880, 832, 787, 727, 666, 650, 600, 95, 72,

Orchitis secondary - 727, 787, 880, 10000

Osteitis (bone inflammation) - 770

Osteoarthritis (also see Arthritis) - 1500, 770

Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infection) - 79, 330

Osteosinusitis max. - 243, 327

Ostitis - 770, 743, 736, 724

Otitis externa (outer ear infection. Also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa) -727, 787, 880, 174, 482, 5311

Otosclerosis - 9.19

Ovarian cyst - 567, 982, 711

Ovarian disorders, general - 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20

Ovarian elimination, to stimulate - 20

Ovum - 752

Pain (Also look under name of condition causing pain) - 666,3000, 95, 666, 80

Pain of cancer - 666, 690 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727

Pain of infection - 95, 3000, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 7279

Pain relief - 304, 6000, 3000, 666, 80

Pain, acute - 95, 1550, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Pancreas - 440, 464, 600, 624, 648, 1552, 727, 787, 880

Pancreatic insufficiency - 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 26, 2720, 2489, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20

Papilloma kidney (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 1102, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760,

Paraceli - 232

Paradontose - 1552

Paralysis, nonspastic - 10000, 880, 776, 727, 650, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 72, 20

Paralysis, spastic - 7, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Parasites, ascaris - 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146, 797

Parasites, enterobiasis (pinworms; intestinal worms frequently found in children) - 20, 120, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152

Parasites, flukes, blood - 144, 847, 867, 329, 419, 635, 7391, 5516, 9889

Parasites, flukes, general - 143, 275, 435, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 664, 6766, 435, 15244

Parasites, flukes, intestinal (exp) - 686, 844, 848, 854, 2128, 2084, 2150

Parasites, flukes, liver - 275, 676, 763, 238, 6641, 6672

Parasites, flukes, lymph - 10000, 157

Parasites, flukes, pancreatic (exp) - 1850, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050, 2080, 6578

Parasites, general (1) (cleanup with 728, 784, 880, 465) - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442, 524, 651, 688, 732, 751, 800, 854, 1864

Parasites, general (2) - 120, 128, 422, 644/642, 676, 688/690, 712, 728, 732

Parasites general (3) - 47,72,80,95, 120, 125, 440, 465, 660, 665, 690, 727, 728, 740, 770, 780, 800, 880, 1840, 1865, 1998.3176, 10000

Parasites, roundworms, general - 20, 120, 128, 152, 240, 650, 721, 4412, 543, 772, 835, 4152

Parasites, trichinosis - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372

Parasites, turbatrix - 104

Paresis - 9.4

Paresthesia - 5.5

Parkinson tremor, temporary relief - 6000, 130, 169

Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see Nocardia asteroides freqs) -693, 813, 5000, 1131, 33

Parvovirus, canine - 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000

Parvovirus, canine mutant strain - 323, 514

Pemniciosis - 232, 622, 822, 4211

Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranes) - 694, 893, 665

Penqueculum - 746, 755, 1375, 6965, 626, 948

Pepto streptococcus - 201, 629

Periodontal disease (see also osteo infection freqs) - 1800, 1600, 650, 625, 600, 880, 787, 776, 727

Peritonitis - 727, 787, 880

Pertussis (whooping cough) - 526, 765, 46, 284, 9101, 697, 906

Pesticide detox (see also Liver and Kidney support, Circulatory and Lymph stasis freqs) - 73, 26, 6, 1

Phaqocyross, stimulates - 125, 727, 787, 880

Pharyngitis (inflammation of pharynx, can cause chronic sore throat,halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. Also see Sore throat, Halitosis) - 380, 1600, 1550, 776, 784, 880, 727, 20, 522

Phlebitis (vein inflammation) - 1500, 776

Plasmacytoma (a tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throat) - 475

Pleurisy (Inflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal lining) - 880, 787, 776, 727, 125, 72, 20, 450

Pneumocystis carnii (fungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immune suppressed or in infants) - 204, 340, 742

Pneumonia - 1550, 1862, 787, 776, 727, 20, 450, 412, 766, 688, 683, 660

Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) - 135, 283, 742, 776, 1500, 2632, 1850

Polio secondary complications - 1550, 802, 428, 1500, 880, 787, 727

Polyarthritis - 512

Polyp, nasal - 542, 1436

Polyp, uterine - 689

Polyp, general - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 522, 146

Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin) - 698, 780

Prostate, enlarged (see Prostatitis and other prostate sets) - 2250, 2128, 2050, 690, 666.

Prostatitis (benign prostate tumor or infection) - 100, 410, 522, 146, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 465, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 522, 9.1

Prostate problems, general - 2128, 2008, 2720, 664, 728, 408, 9.39, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 9, 9.19

Proteus - 424, 434, 834

Protozoa - 432, 753, 5776

Pseudomonas pyocyanea - 437

Psoriasis (also use Hypothyroid set and see General Parasite, ascaris, and other roundworm freqs) - 2128, 2008, 1552, 800, , 728, 664, 304, 96, 100, 60, 104, 64, 152, 2170

Psorinum - 786, 767

Pullularia pullulans (allergy remedy) - 432, 873, 1364, 684, 750

Pyrogenium 62 (general homeopathic remedy for pus) - 429, 594, 622, 872, 497

Pyrogenium ex ovo - 292, 1244, 1210, 1216

Pyrogenium fish - 287, 304 Pyrogenium mayo - 688, 759, 1625, 727, 770Pyrogenium suis - 341, 356, 673

Rabies (lyssinum) - 20, 120, 547, 793

Radiation burns (also see Regeneration and Healing) - 727, 787, 880, 10000

Ragweed - 473

Raynaud's disease - 727, 20

Regeneration and healing - 47, 2720

Relaxation, to produce - 6000, 10, 7.83

Reproductive - 335, 536, 622, 712

Respiratory syncitial virus - 336, 712, 278

Retrovirus, variants - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 448, 800, 10000

Rheuma (watery discharge from nose or eyes) - 952, 436, 595, 775

Rheumaticus - 333, 376, 820

Rheumatism - 10000, 776, 262

Rhinitis (runny nose, also see Sinusitis) - 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 465, 522, 146

Rhino pneumonitis - 185, 367, 820, 487

Rhizopus nigricans - 132, 327, 775, 659, 660

Ringworm (see Microsporum audouini, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton, and/or Epidermophyton) - 422, 442, 732, 5000, 60, 76, 92, 120, 128, 440, 800 for 6 min

Roaches (may target a symbiot) - 100

Rocky Mountain spotted fever - 375, 862, 943, 788, 468Nasal infection (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)

Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage) - 542, 1436

Nasturtium (a healing herb) - 143

Nausea and cramping - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9

Nematodes (See Parasites, nematodes)

Neoplasms (See cancer)Nephritis (kidney inflammatory disease. Also treat for stones and crystals supplementally), or nephrosis (non-inflammatory kidney disease) - 1550, 274, 423, 636, 688, 880, 787, 727, 10, 20, 10000, 40, 73, 465, 3000

Nerve disorders - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 440, 660

Nervousness, Prozac agitation (akathsia. See also Relaxation) - 3, 7.83

Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system) - 833, 3.9, 10000

Neuralgia, intercostal - 802

Neuralgia, trigeminal - 880

Neurosis - 28

Neurospora sitophila - 705, 878

Nigrospora spp - 302, 350, 764

Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs) - 228, 231, 237, 694, 719, 747, 887, 2890

Nose, infection or congestion (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)

Numbness (also see Circulatory stasis) - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 440, 660

Oat smut - 806

Oligodena - 853

Oospora - 9599, 5346

Oral lesions (chronic cases will always return until metal dental work is replaced with uranium free porcelain. See also herpes simplex I and use Stomatitis) - 2720, 2489, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146

Orchitis (inflammation of testes due to TB, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, bacteria, etc. See also causative condition if known) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9

Orchitis secondary - 727, 787, 880, 10000

Ornithosis (or Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds) - 233, 331, 332, 583, 859, 1217

Osteitis (bone inflammation) - 770Osteoarthritis (also see Arthritis) - 1500, 770

Osteoitis - 2.65

Osteomyelitis - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666

Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infection) - 79, 330

Osteosinusitis max. - 243, 327

Ostitis - 770, 743, 736, 724

Otitis externa (outer ear infection. Also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa) -727, 787, 880, 174, 482, 5311

Otitis medinum (middle ear swelling and/or infection and fever. See also strep pneumonia) - 316, 784, 786, 125, 802, 72, 522, 440 for 5 min, 880, 720, 1550 for 10 min

Otosclerosis - 9.19

Ovarian cyst - 567, 982, 711

Ovarian disorders, general - 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20

Ovarian elimination, to stimulate - 20

Ovum - 752

Ox bile (the homeopathic remedy derived from it) - 672

Ozaena - 184, 222, 439

Pain (Also look under name of condition causing pain) - 3000, 95, 666, 80

Pain of cancer - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666

Pain of infection - 3000, 95, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 4.9

Pain relief - 304, 6000, 3000, 666, 80

Pain, acute - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Pancreas - 440, 464, 600, 624, 648, 1552, 727, 787, 880

Pancreatic insufficiency - 20, 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20

Papilloma virus (causes warts and benign tumors having a branch or stalk and in some cases white patches (leukoplakia)) - 45, 489, 874, 907, 16970 (265, 5657), 64734 (1011, 9258), 67265 (1051, 9609), 466, 110, 767, 404

Papilloma kidney (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102

Paraceli - 232

Paradontose - 424, 1552

Paralysis, nonspastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9.19, 8.25

Paralysis, spastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 7.69

Paramecium caudatum - 4500, 1150, 2298

Parasites, ascaris - 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146, 797

Parasites, enterobiasis (pinworms; intestinal worms frequently found in children) - 20, 120, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152

Parasites, filariose (worms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insects) - 112, 120, 332, 753

Parasites, flukes, blood - 847, 867, 329, 419, 635, 7391, 5516, 9889

Parasites, flukes, general - 143, 275, 435, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 664, 6766, 435, 15244

Parasites, flukes, general (short set) - 524, 854, 651

Parasites, flukes, intestinal (exp) - 651, 676, 844, 848, 854, 2128, 2084, 2150, 6766

Parasites, flukes, liver - 143, 275, 676, 763, 238, 6641, 6672

Parasites, flukes, lymph - 10050, 157

Parasites, flukes, pancreatic (exp) - 1850, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050, 2080, 6578

Parasites, flukes, sheep liver - 826, 830, 834

Parasites, follicular mange - 253, 693

Parasites, general (1) (cleanup with 728, 784, 880, 465) - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442, 524, 651, 688, 732, 751, 800, 854, 1864

Parasites, general (2) - 120, 128, 422, 644/642, 676, 688/690, 712, 728, 732, 800/802, 1550/1552, 1862/1864, 2112, 4412Parasites general (3) - 47, 72, 80, 95, 120, 125, 440, 444, 465, 660, 665, 690, 727, 728, 740, 770, 780, 800, 880, 1840, 1865, 1998, 3176, 10000

Parasites, general, short set - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 152, 651, 732

Parasites, giardia - 334, 4334, 5429, 829, 812, 2018, 407

Parasites, heartworms - 543, 2322, 200, 535, 1077, 799

Parasites, helminthsporium (worm eggs) - 793, 969, 164, 5243

Parasites, hookworm - 6.8, 440, 2008, 6436, 5868

Parasites, leishmania donovan - 525, 781

Parasites, leishmania braziliensis - 787

Parasites, leishmania tropica - 791

Parasites, pinworm - see Parasites, enterobiasis

Parasites, roundworms, general - 20, 104, 120, 128, 152, 240, 650, 688, 332, 422, 112, 721, 942, 3212, 732, 4412, 543, 772, 827, 835, 4152, 5897, 7159

Parasites, roundworms, general (short set) - 128, 152, 240, 422, 650, 688

Parasites, schistosoma haematobium (blood flukes) - 847, 867, 635

Parasites, schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke which can cause symptoms identical to hepatitis C) - 329, 9889

Parasites, strongyloides (threadworm, genus of roundworms) - 332, 422, 721, 732, 749, 942, 3212, 4412

Parasites, strongyloides secondary - 380, 698, 752, 776, 722, 738, 746, 1113

Parasites, taenia - see Parasites, tapeworms

Parasites, tapeworms (do not use for known tapeworms unless familiar with tapeworm protocol) - 164, 187, 453, 523, 542, 623, 843, 854, 1223, 803, 3032, 5522

Parasites, tapeworms secondary - 142, 187, 624, 662

Parasites, threadworms (see Parasites, strongyloides)

Parasites, trichinosis - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372

Parasites, turbatrix - 104

Paresis - 9.4

Paresthesia - 5.5

Parkinson tremor, temporary relief - 6000 for 10 min, 130, 169

Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see Nocardia asteroides freqs) -693, 813, 1.1, 5000, 1131 for 3 min, 33 for 30 min

Parrot Fever (see Ornithosis)

Parvovirus, canine - 637, 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027

Parvovirus, canine mutant strain - 323, 514

Parvovirus, canine type B - 323, 535, 613, 755

Parvovirus, new strain - 2257, 488, 488

Pasteurella combination (bacterial diseases spread by animal bites) - 323, 913, 694

Pelvic inflammatory disease - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 522, 95, 72, 450, 428

Pemniciosis - 232, 622, 822, 4211

Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranes) - 694, 893, 665

Penicillium chyrosogenium - 129, 249, 344, 967

Penicillium chyrosogenium secondary - 345, 688, 868, 1070, 2411, 728, 764, 765

Penicillium notatum - 334, 629

Penicillium notatum secondary - 321, 550, 555, 556, 558, 560, 562, 566, 572, 644, 825, 922, 942, 4870, 7780, 412, 715

Penicillium rubrum - 332, 457, 460, 462, 766, 1015, 1018

Pennyroyal (an herb) - 772

Penqueculum - 746, 755, 1375, 6965, 626, 948

Pepto streptococcus - 201, 629

Pericarditis (NOTE, Cardiac conditions are inherently unstable. Therefore,we cannot recommend the use of frequencies on humans, even outside U.S. jurisdiction. These frequencies are for animal research only.) - 2720, 2170, 1600, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 625, 125, 95, 72, 20Periodontal disease (see also osteo infection freqs) - 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650, 625, 600, 880, 787, 776, 727

Peritonitis - 727, 787, 880

Perniosis (chillbains : a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged exposure to cold and characterized by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and face) - 20, 232, 622, 822, 4211, 2112

Pertussis (whooping cough) - 526, 765, 46, 284, 9101, 697, 906

Pertussis secondary - 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 1234, 7344

Pesticide detox (see also Liver & Kidney support, Circulatory and Lymph stasis freqs) - 73, 26, 6, 1

Phaqocyross, stimulates - 20, 125, 727, 787, 880

Pharyngitis (inflammation of pharynx, can cause chronic sore throat,halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. Also see Sore throat, Halitosis) - 440, 380, 1600, 1550, 802, 776, 784, 880, 727, 20, 522, 146

Phlebitis (vein inflammation) - 1500, 776

Phoma Destructiva (homeopathic) - 163, 815, 621

Pineal gland (to stimulate) - 20

Plague (see Bubonic plague)

Plantaris - 2008

Plasmacytoma (a tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throat) - 475

Pleurisy (Inflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal lining) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 450

Plosis (eyelid droop. Also use Parasite general, ascaris, and roundworm) -10000

Pneumococcus (see Streptococcus pneumoniae)

Pneumocystis carnii (fungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immune suppressed or in infants) - 204, 340, 742

Pneumonia (see also Pneumonia klebsiella, Pneumonia mycoplasma, Pneumonia bronchial,

Pneumonocystis carnii, Streptococcus pneumoniae) - 1238, 1550, 1862, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20, 450, 412, 766, 688, 683, 975, 2688, 660

Pneumonia, bronchial (inflammation of bronchii and lungs) - 550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 452, 1474, 578

Pneumoniae klebsiella (causes an acute, bacterial pneumonia) - 412, 766, 776, 413, 840, 746, 765, 779, 783, 818

Pneumonia mycoplasma (a contagious pneumonia of children and young adults) - 688, 975, 777, 2688, 660

Pneumonia, walking (see Pneumonia mycoplasma)

Pneumovirus (causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, see Respiratory syncitial virus)

Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) - 135, 283, 742, 776, 1500, 2632, 1850

Polio secondary complications - 1550, 802, 428, 1500, 880, 787, 727

Polyarthritis - 512

Polyp, nasal - 542, 1436

Polyp, uterine - 689

Polyp, general - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 522, 146

Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin) - 698, 780

Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia (also requires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacement) - 522, 146

Proctitis (see Chlamydia trachomatis)

Prostate, enlarged (see Prostatitis and other prostate sets) - 2250, 2128, 2050, 690, 666.

Prostatitis (benign prostate tumor or infection) - 100, 410, 522, 146, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 465, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 522, 9.1

Prostatitis (1) - 2050, 2250 for 15 min

Prostate adenominum - 442, 688, 1875, 748, 766

Prostate hyperplasia - 920

Prostate problems, general - 2128, 2008, 2720, 664, 728, 408, 9.39, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 9, 9.19

Proteus - 424, 434, 834

Protozoa - 432, 753, 5776Pruritis (see Itching)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria causing blue pus infections found in wounds, burns, and the urinary tract, et al) - 174, 482, 785, 1132, 5311, 3965, 405, 633, 191, 178, 731, 6646, 178

Pseudomonas mallei (also called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted occasionally to man by equine.) - 687, 857, 875, 1273, 501, 743, 774

Pseudomonas pyocyanea - 437

Psittacosis (see Ornithosis)

Psoriasis (also use Hypothyroid set and see General Parasite, ascaris, and other roundworm freqs) - 2180, 2128, 2008, 2489, 1552, 880, 800, 786, 728, 664, 304, 96, 112, 100, 60, 104, 64, 152, 2170, 2720

Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 28, 1.2, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680

Psorinum - 786, 767

Pullularia pullulans (allergy remedy) - 432, 873, 1364, 684, 739, 750

Pyelitis, proteus (bacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditions) - 434, 594, 776

Pyocyaneus (homeopathic nosode for Pseudomonas pyocyanea) - 437

Pyoderma (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. Small pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. Also see Parasites general and General antiseptic) - 123, 132, 967, 974, 1556, 1489, 663

Pyorrhea (Infection of periodontium causing inflammation of gums and bone loss. Although pyorrhea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return whenever subject experiences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays (so-called 'silver' fillings) and nickel alloy ('stainless steel') dental appliances are replaced with porcelain that does not contain uranium and infected root canals and sockets are treated. See also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Toothache) - 2720, 2489, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146

Pyrogenium 62 (general homeopathic remedy for pus) - 151, 429, 594, 622, 872, 497, 498

Pyrogenium ex ovo - 231, 1244, 1210, 1216

Pyrogenium fish - 287, 304 Pyrogenium mayo - 688, 759, 1625, 727, 770

Pyrogenium suis - 341, 356, 673

Q Fever (an infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic Rickettsia bacteria and

Coxiella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats. See also Typhoid fever and Rickettsia) - 523, 1357, 607, 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549, 720, 726

Rabies (lyssinum) - 20, 120, 547, 793

Radiation burns (also see Regeneration and Healing) - 727, 787, 880, 10000

Ragweed - 473

Raynaud's disease - 727, 20

Refractory an - 435

Regeneration and healing - 47, 2720

Relaxation, to produce - 6000, 10, 7.83

Renal calculi (see Kidney stones)

Renal excretory insufficiency; diastolic hypertensive (also see Kidney insufficiency) - 9.2

Reproductive - 335, 536, 622, 712

Respiratory syncitial virus - 336, 712, 278

Retrovirus, variants - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 448, 800, 10000

Rhesus gravidatum - 312, 322, 536, 684

Rheuma (watery discharge from nose or eyes) - 952, 436, 595, 775

Rheumaticus - 333, 376, 820

Rheumatism - 10000, 776, 262

Rheumatoid arthritis (see Arthritis, rheumatoid)

Rhinitis (runny nose, also see Sinusitis) - 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 465, 522, 146

Rhino pneumonitis - 185, 367, 820, 487

Rhizopus nigricans - 132, 327, 775, 659, 660

Rhodo torula - 833, 598, 778

Rhodococcus - 124, 835, 432, 764, 337, 682, 720

Rickettsia (bacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. Can cause typhoid fever and Q fever.) - 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549, 720, 726Ringworm (see Microsporum audouini, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton, and/or Epidermophyton) - 422,

442, 732, 5000, 60, 76, 92, 120, 128, 440, 800 for 6 min

Roaches (may target a symbiot) - 100

Rocky Mountain spotted fever - 375, 862, 943, 788, 468, 308

Salivary gland virus (human herpes type 5 - see Cytomegalovirus)

Salmonella (can cause intestinal inflammation and infection, and contribute to flu in children) - 1522, 717, 972, 664, 643

Salmonella paratyphi B - 59, 92, 643, 707, 717, 719, 752, 972, 7771, 1244, 6787, 165, 711

Salmonella type B - 546, 1634

Salmonella typhi (can cause typhoid fever) - 420, 664, 8656, 773

Salmonella typhimurium (can cause food poisoning) - 693, 754, 762

Sanguis menst - 591

Sanguinera - 634

Scabies (see Mange, follicular)

Scarlet fever - 437, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Schistosoma (see Parasites, schistosoma)

Schumann resonance (relaxing) - 7.83

Schunan B-Cell - 322, 425, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023, 1524, 1097, 1100

Sciaticor schias - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 10

Sclerosis, lateral (degeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegia) - 254

Sedation and pain relief - 304, 6000

Sedative effect (Reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitis) -2.5

Seizure (1) - 329, 226, 953

Semperillium - 1140

Serum schweinepest - 503, 246, 604, 465

Sexual dysfunction (see also Circulatory stasis, Orchitis) - 9.39, 2127, 2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 124, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650, 625, 600Shigella (can cause acute dysentery and diarrhea as well as infect nerves, brain, and spinal cord chronically) - 621, 762, 769, 770, 1550, 802, 832

Shingles (see Herpes zoster)

Silver (exp) - 15903

Sinus Bacteria - 548

Sinusitis (sinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of pathogens including viruses like RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza A, influenza B, rhino virus, et al. Common bacteria like strep pneum. are always suspect when condition is chronic. Sinusitis frontalis and maxillaris should be tried first.)

Sinusitis (1) - 728, 784, 880, 20, 72, 120, 146, 400, 440, 464, 524, 548, 660, 712, 732, 802, 1500, 1552, 1600, 1862, 683 for 5 min

Sinusitis (2) - 125, 160, 367, 472, 600, 615, 625, 650, 820, 952, 1150, 1520, 1865, 2000, 4392, 4400, 4412

Sinusitis (3) - 60, 95, 128, 225, 414, 427, 432, 456, 610, 614, 618, 1234, 2600, 5500, 304

Sinusitis (4) - 107, 160, 952, 942, 320, 741, 682, 1395

Sinusitis frontalis - 952, 320, 682

Sinusitis maxillaris - 160, 741

Sleeping sickness - 120, 20

Slipped discs (spasms from microbial toxins) - 125, 880, 787, 727, 95, 72, 20

Smallpox (also known as variola, an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters) - 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544, 1550, 802, 542, 569, 832, 3222

Smallpox (secondary) - 334, 360, 471, 647, 506, 711, 880, 787, 727, 20

Smegma - 153, 180, 638

Sneezing - 880, 787, 727, 465, 146

Sore throat (also see Pharyngitis, Strep general, Strep pyrogenes, and Actinomyces israelii) - 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 46.5, 766

Sorghum smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 294

Spasms, muscle - 6.8Spastic paresis - 30.87, 48

Spleen (secondary) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20

Spleen, enlarged - 35, 787, 3176

Sporobolomyces - 753, 700

Sporotrichum pruinosum - 584, 598, 687, 755, 715

Stammering - 10000, 20, 6000, 7.83

Staphylococci infection (see also other Staph freqs) - 960, 727, 786, 453, 678, 674, 550, 1109, 424, 943, 1050, 643, 2600, 7160, 639, 1089, 8697

Staph infection (1) - 943, 727, 643, 20

Staphylococcus aureus (can cause boils, carbuncles, abscesses, tooth infection, heart disease, and infect tumors) - 424, 727, 786*, 943, 1050, 8697, 644, 647, 745, 738, 744

Staphylococcus general - 453, 550, 674, 728, 786, 1109, 7160, 634, 639, 1089

Staphylococcus coagulae positive - 643

Stemphylium - 461, 340, 114

Stiff muscles - 320, 328, 304, 300, 240, 160, 776, 728, 1800, 125, 80, 40, 20, 6000

Stiff muscles (secondary) - 250, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776

Stiff neck - 4.9, 6, 9.19

Stiff shoulder - 10000, 727, 766, 20

Stomach disorders (see also E. Coli and Parasites general if no lasting relief) - 2127, 2008, 880, 784, 727, 690, 676, 664, 125, 95, 72, 20, 3.9, 450, 802, 1552, 832, 422

Stomatitis (Inflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth. See also Candida, Herpes simplex I, Stomatitis aphthous, Pyorrhea, and Gingivitis) - 465, 677, 702, 787, 234, 278, 568, 672

Stomatitis aphthous (ulcers on mucous membrane of mouth. Also called canker sores) - 478, 487, 498, 788, 955, 982

Stomatitis aphthous (1) - 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 for 5 min

Streptococcus infection, general (streptococcus family. Also see General antiseptic and other Strep sets) - 1266, 880*, 848, 787, 784, 727, 875, 885, 2000Streptococcus enterococcinum (can cause infection in the digestive and urinary tracts) - 686, 409

Streptococcus hemolytic (blood infection by strep) - 728, 880, 786, 712, 128, 134, 334, 443, 535*, 542, 675, 1415, 1522, 1902, 691, 710, 1203, 368, 318*

Streptococcus mutant strain - 114, 437, 625, 883, 994

Streptococcus mutant strain secondary - 108, 433, 488, 687, 833, 8686, 8777, 9676, 660, 732, 745, 754, 764

Streptococcus pepto (can infect digestive tract) - 201, 629

Streptococcus pneumoniae (can cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthitis, bacteremia, and meningitis) - 231, 232, 683, 846, 8865

Streptococcus pyrogenes (pus-forming infections. Can cause sore throat, skin inflammation (erysipelas), scarlet fever. See also General antiseptic). - 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20

Streptococcus viridans - 425, 433, 445, 935, 1010, 1060, 8478, 457, 465, 777, 778, 1214, 1216

Strep virus - 563, 611, 727

Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora - 158, 174, 645, 801

Streptomyces griseus (soil bacteria which yields streptomycin) - 333, 887

Streptothrix (includes Nocardia and Actinomyces israeli) - 784, 228, 231, 237, 887, 2890, 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 747, 727, 20

Stroke (follow up) - 3, 203, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428, 10000, 20, 2720

Strongyloides (see Parasites, strongyloides)

Struma (family of organisms that can infect the thyroid causing goiter. Use kelp internally. Use Struma cystica, nodosa, and parenchyme freqs.)

Struma cystica - 5311, 531, 756, 361

Struma nodosa - 105, 122, 321, 517, 532, 651, 714

Struma parenchyme - 121, 576

Stye (staph infection of sebaceous gland of eyelash. Also use Staphylococci infection set) - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 453, 2600

Sub luxation induced disorders - 9.6

Sudor pedis (excessive foot sweat) - 148Sun allergy (Examine prescription drugs, such as Psoralen, for photo-sensitization properties. ) - 3, 330

Sunstroke - 444, 440, 190, 3000, 95, 522, 146, 880, 20, 10000

Surgery pre-op and post-op to prevent and control nosocomial (hospital-acquired) and idiopathic infection (see also General antiseptic, Staph, and Strep sets) - 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146, 428

Surgery, detox of anaesthesia (see also Liver support) - 522, 146

Surgical pain, post-op recovery - 3000, 2720, 95

Swelling (edema. See also Kidney insufficiency and Lymph stasis freqs) -522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 20, 10000, 5000, 3000

Swimmer's ear (also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Otitis externa) - 728, 784, 880, 464, 174, 482, 5311

Swollen glands (use Lymph and see Mumps freq sets)

Syphilis - 177, 650, 625, 600, 660, 658

Tachycardia (rapid heart beat. For lab animals only. See also Heart tonic, Relaxation sets.) - 1.2

Taenia (see Parasites tapeworm)

Taste, none - 10000, 20

Tendomyopathy - 320, 250, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5

Tetanus (infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by clostridium tetani) - 244, 600, 554, 120, 352, 1142, 363, 458, 465, 628

Tetanus (secondary complications) - 880, 787, 727

Tetragenus - 393, 433, 2712

Thalamus stimulant - 20

Thermi bacteria - 233, 441

Throat "tickle", chronic (see also Streptococcus sets) - 120, 666, 690, 727, 787, 800, 880, 1560, 1840, 1998, 766, 776

Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of vein walls from clotting. Use on lab animals only. See also Circulatory stasis) - 1500, 776, 685Thrombosis, infective I herpes family (not to be used with arrhythmia or in U.S.) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 1489

Thrush (use Candida and see Stomatitis freqs) - 414, 465

Thymus, to stimulate - 20

Tinea pedis (see Trichophyon mentagrophyte)

Tinea cruris (see Epidermophyton floccinum)

Tinea versicolor (see Malassezia furfur)

Tinnitus (see also Circulatory stasis, Dental, Dental foci, General antiseptic, and Otitis freqs) - 20, 2720, 728, 784, 880

Tobacco mosaic - 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052

Tonsillar nosode - 1656

Tonsillar pfropfe - 246, 151, 414

Tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils) - 1.2, 73, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 144, 452, 582

Tooth extraction follow-up frequencies (see also General antiseptic set) -3000, 2720, 95, 47.5, 7.82

Toothache (to neglect this can prevent recovery from any illness. Should also be treated professionally. See also Dental, Dental foci, Gingivitis, Pyorrhea.) - 3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 646, 5170

Toxins (to eliminate) - 0.5, 522, 146, 1552, 800

Toxoplasmosis (a serious, infectious disease that can be either acquired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litter) - 434, 852

Trachoma (use Chlamydia trachomatis)

Trauma - 96, 192, 300, 760, 3000

Trench mouth (use Gingivitis)

Treponema pallidum (use also Syphilis) - 660, 902

Trichinosis (the very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meat) - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372

Trichodermia - 711Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itching) - 610, 692, 980

Trichophytie general - 132, 725, 808, 812, 2422, 9493

Trichophytie nagel - 381, 585, 593, 812

Trichophytie nagel secondary - 133, 142, 373, 376, 378, 385, 387, 420, 425, 428, 576, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 587, 588, 592, 595, 597, 724, 725, 726, 750, 794, 797, 801, 805, 808, 809, 817, 886, 2422, 6887, 7688, 7697, 7885, 584, 587, 592, 732, 733, 738, 748, 765, 766, 771, 777, 778, 779, 1256

Trichophyton mentagrophytes - 311, 414

Trichophyton rubrum - 752, 923

Trichophyton tonsuraus - 454, 765

Trigeminal neuralgia - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 7.5, 880, 832, 787, 776, 760, 727, 650, 146, 7.82, 27.5, 428

Trypanosoma gambiense - 255, 316, 403, 700, 724

Tuberculinum - 332, 522, 664, 731, 737, 748, 1085, 1099, 1700, 761

Tuberculosis (also see Tuberculinum) - 20, 740, 1840, 720, 1552, 1600, 216, 802, 784, 1500, 727, 690, 666

Tuberculosis aviare - 303, 332, 342, 438, 440, 532, 3113, 6515, 697, 698, 720, 731, 741, 748, 770

Tuberculosis bovine - 229, 523, 625, 635, 838, 877, 3353, 748, 757

Tuberculosis klebsiella - 217, 220, 221, 686, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516, 729, 748

Tuberculosis rod form - 803*, 1513

Tuberculosis secondary complications - 776, 2127, 2008, 465

Tuberculosis, rod, E. coli, TB infections - 799, 802, 804, 1550, 1513

Tuberculosis, virus - 2565, 1552*

Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit fever) - 324, 427, 823

Tumor, brain - see Cancer, astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma

Turbatrix - 104

Typhoid fever (typhus infection related symptoms causing high fever, headache, and rash. Also use Salmonella typhi and Rickettsia and see Q fever.) - 3205, 824, 1550, 802, 690, 1800, 1862, 712, 714

Ulcer, duodenal - 676, 727, 750, 880, 10000

Ulcer, gastric - 676

Ulcers, general - 676, 664, 802, 784, 2489, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 73

Ulcer, ventric - 142, 566, 676, 232, 1000

Ulcer, ventricular - 769, 760

Urea-plasma - 756

Uremia (also known as uremic poisoning; excessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure. Also use Kidney and Lymph stasis freqs.) - 911

Urethritis (also see Vaginosis and use Chlamydia trachomatis) - 2720, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 1.2

Urticaria (hives, often due to toxins) - 1800, 522, 146, 4.9, 787, 727

Uterine polyp - 689

Vaccinium (a homeopathic nosode) - 476

Vaginosis (non-specific infection. Also see Gardinerella, Candida, and Trichomonas) - 414, 542, 642, 652, 800, 832, 845, 866, 942, 728, 784, 880, 464

Varicella (see herpes zoster)

Varicoses - 1.2, 28

Variola (see Smallpox)

Vegetative dystonia (involuntary muscle dysfunction) - 40

Vein thrombosis (see Thrombophlebitis)

Verruca (a rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart. Also see Wart) - 644, 767, 797, 877, 953, 173, 787

Vertigo (also use Otitis and see General antiseptic freqs) - 60, 5.8, 4

Vision, poor (see also Cataracts) - 350, 360

Vitamag complete set - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19.5, 22.5, 24

Vitiligo (loss of pigmentation in areas of skin. Use with B complex with extra PABA internally and PABA cream topically. Also see E. coli, Parasite General, Liver support, and Fungus freqs if necessary) - 440, 600, 650, 2112, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20Wart, condyloma (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virus) - 466, 907

Warts (general, also see Papilloma and Parasites roundworms and flukes) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1500, 907, 915, 727, 690, 666, 644, 767, 953, 495, 466

Warts (papilloma type, branch or stalk) - 907, 466

Warts (verruca) - 644, 767, 953, 787

Warts, plantar - 915, 918 for 15-30 min

Wellness - 6.8, 7.83

Werlhof - 690, 452

Wheat smut - 10163, 156, 375

Wheat stem rust (1) - 643

Whiplash - 20, 2720, 10000

White Blood Cell stimulation (see Immune system stimulation)

Whooping cough (see Pertussis)

Wolhynia fever (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse. Also see Rickettsia) - 547

Wound healing (also see General antiseptic) - 2720, 880, 787, 727, 220, 190, 20, 40

Yeast, cervical (also use Candida) - 788, 706, 771

Yeast, general (also see Candida. Use Parasites general, roundworm, and ascaris if no lasting relief) - 72, 254, 375, 522, 876, 987, 414, 422, 465, 582, 787, 1016, 2222

Yeast (baker's) - 843

Yellow fly - 996

Yellow fever (a severe, viral infection which can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tract) - 20, 142, 178, 232, 432, 734, 1187, 733, 779, 10000

Yersenia pestis (see Bubonic plague)

Zygomycosis (also called mucormycosis; a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs) - 942, 623, 733



0.1-1 Organ/muscle resonances [SS]

0.1-3 Delta range, according to [NEU+CRI] - deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions, hypnosis [NEU]; Decreased awareness of the physical world. Access to unconscious information. Dominant brainwave in infants under one year old. This range normally decreases when we focus, but this doesn't happen when a person with ADD - delta waves actually increase when they try and focus.

0.16 - 10 - Neuralgias [AT]

0.18 - 10 - Mod. therapy [AT]

0.20 - 0.26 - Dental pain [AT]

0.20 - 10 - Post-traumatics [AT]

0.28 - 2.15 - Alcohol addiction [AT]

0.28 - 10 - Arthritis [AT]

0.30 - 0.15 - Depression [AT]

0.30 - 10 - Cervobrachial syndrome [AT]

0.37 - 2.15 - Drug addiction [AT]

0.40 - 10 - Confusion [AT]

0.45 - 10 - Muscle pain [AT]

Below 0.5 - Epsilon range, extraordinary states of consciousness, high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-level inspiration states, spiritual insight, out-of-body experiences, Yogic states of suspended animation. [CNR]

0.5 - very relaxing, against headache [MB], for lower back pain [AS] ; Thyroid, reproductive, excretory stimulant, whole brain toner [SS]

0.5-1.5 Pain relief [SS + CMP] ; endorphins, better hypnosis [SS]

0.5-3 Delta range, according to [RA]

0.5-4 Delta range, according to [SS, PWM+AWI]. Deep dreamless sleep, trance, suspended animation [SS]; Anti-aging. Reduces amount of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress & aging. Increases the levels of DHEA (anti-aging) & melatonin (decreases aging process.) [BAR]; Associated with unconscious mind & sleep state - in conjunction with other frequencies in a waking state, "Delta acts as a form of radar – seeking out information – reaching out to understand on the deepest unconscious level things that we can't understand through thought process." Provides intuition, empathetic attunement & instinctual insight. [AWI]; Conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being & personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, "one with the universe" experiences (samadhi), near-death experience, characterized by "unknowing", merely a blissful "being" state such as deep sleep or coma. [PWM via DW]. The anti-aging info comes from a Brainwave Generator preset authored by TheMind2 - he uses binaurals at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 HZ. They all play simultaneously.

0.9 Euphoria [SS]

0.95 - 10 - Whiplash [AT]

1-3 - Delta: deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-REM sleep [??]; profound relaxation, restorative sleep, feelings of tranquility & peace, if one can remain aware [VUG via DW]

1.0 - Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony & balance [MB]

1.05 Helps hair grow + get its color back [RA]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]

1.2 - (used on) headaches [RS]

1.45 - Tri-thalamic entrainment format. According to Ronald deStrulle, creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary & pineal. May benefit dyslexics + people with Alzheimer's. [MP2]

 .5 Abrahams Universal Healing Rate [SS]; Sleep [NEU]; Those individuals whose ailments have manifested into the fourth stage of Chronic Fatigue, where some form of disease is apparent, experienced a release from the negative sensation of their symptoms when moved into 1.5HZ. [NYT via NEU]

1.8 Sinus Congestion seems to clear centering around 1.8 HZ [MPT] (tested with binaural beats, primarily)

2.0 Nerve regeneration [NOR]

2.06 Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column) [TOS]

2.15 - 10 - Tendovaginatis [AT]

2.30 Associated with genitals [TOS]

2.5 - pain relief, relaxation [MB]; production of endogenous opiates. [EQ]; Use for sedative effect [ESP]; Sedative effect - reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, and sinusitis. [RS] Sexual stimulation? [SX]

2.57 Associated with bladder [TOS]

2.67 Associated with intestines [TOS]

3.0-5.5 - "Theta1" Range. [DW]

3.0 Increased Reaction Time [RT] [SS]; 3.0 HZ & below used to reduce muscle tension headaches, but worked less well on migraines & sinus headaches. [RED]; used to treat allergies, in conjunction with 330 HZ [RS]

3.07 Associated with hara (3cm or 1.5 inch below navel, balance of pelvis) [TOS]

3 - 4 Influences physical vision [SS]

3 - 6 Childhood awareness/vivid memories [SS+RA]

3 - 8 Theta Range according to [NEU]; deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus, creativity, lucid dreaming, hypnagogic state [NEU]

3.4 - Sound sleep

3.44 Associated with ovaries (Effects=vitality, life at every level) [TOS]

3.5 - Feeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retention; enhancement of receptivity [MB]; Earth Resonance (?) [SS]; (a remedy for) depression & anxiety [ESR]; Wholebeing regeneration, DNA stimulation [EI-d] [MPT] I was under the impression the Earth Resonance is 7.83 HZ - unless [SS] is talking about a different earth resonance.

3.5-7.5 - Theta Range [per CRI] - Creativity, intuition, daydreaming, fantasizing, recollection, imagery, dreamlike, switching thoughts, drowsiness; "oneness", "knowing", repository for memories, emotions, sensations. Can lead to trance-like states. Theta strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer + spiritual awareness. Reflects state between wakefulness + sleep. Relates to subconscious. Observed in anxiety, behavioral activation+behavioral inhibition. Promotes learning + memory when functioning normally. (I think they mean it helps you process what you've learned - if you tried to actively learn while in the theta state, I doubt you'd have success - but sometimes the theta state can give your subconscious a chance to chew the proverbial fat that you've learned during the day, and digest it.) Abnormal in awake adults, but seen in children up to 13 years old. Suppression of theta can help concentration/focus of attention. [CRI]

3.6 (a remedy for) anger & irritability [ESR]3.84 Associated with the liver/pancreas [TOS]

3.9 (a remedy for) unsociable behavior [ESR]; Theta/Delta brainwave range - crystal clear meditation, lucid dreams, enhanced inner awareness, "facilitates easy access to inner resources & creates space for inner peace + self-renewal". [SED]

4-6 - Attitude & behavior change [MH]

4-7 - Theta Range : recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness; Access to subconscious images, deep meditation, reduced blood pressure, said to cure addictions [SS]; Reset the brain's sodium potassium levels, which cuts down on mental fatigue [INT]; Increases sex drive [INT] ; Meditation, Intuitive Augmentation [NEU]; Near Sleep brainwaves, conducive to profound inner peace, "mystical truths", transforming unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical & emotional healing, purpose of life exploration, inner wisdom, faith, meditation, some psychic abilities, & retrieving unconscious material. [PWB]; bursts of inspiration, twilight sleep learning, deep relaxation, reverie, high levels of awareness, vivid mental imagery. Hypnopompic & Hypnagogic states [NSS via DW]; Military remote viewers operate in this range [RVX]

4.0 - 8.0 HZ Theta State according to [AWI]+[VUG via DW] - present in dreaming sleep, deep meditation, storehouse of creative inspiration, spiritual connection, subconscious mind [AWI]; creative insight, twilight ("sleep") learning, vivid mental imagery. Found in advanced meditators [VUG via DW]

4-12 Skeletal muscle resonances [SS]

4.0 - Enkephalins, Extrasensory perception [MB]; Astral Projection, Telepathy, "Seduction mindset" [EI-d]; Catecholamines, vital for memory & learning, respond at around 4 HZ. [PSI]; Subconscious Problem Solving/Full Memory Scanning (if one can manage to stay awake) [RA+CAV via DW]; Associated with object naming, an important aspect of memory [TDM via DW]; "Those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue exhaust very easily. When moved to 4HZ these individuals showed marked improvement in the length of time between the occurrence of exhaustion after certain exercises were completed." [NYT via NEU]

4.11 Associated with kidneys (Effects=strength) [TOS]

4.5 Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants [MMF via DW]

4.5-6.5 Wakeful dreaming, vivid images [SS]

4.6 Associated with spleen & blood (Effects=Emotional Impulse) [TOS]

4.9 - Introspection [SS]; Induce relaxation, meditation, & deeper sleep [ESR]

5.0 - nusual problem solving. Reduced sleep needed, theta sounds replacing need for extensive dreaming [INT] ; relaxed states, pain-relief (beta endorphin increases of 10-50% reported) [INT]; Alleged Sphincter Resonance [TB]

5.0 - 10.0 Relaxation [NEU]

5.14 Associated with stomach (Effects=Emotional Acceptance) [TOS]

5.35 Associated with lungs (Effects=Oxygen, Heat) [TOS]

5.5-8.0 "Theta2" frequency range

6.5-Hz with amplitudes reaching the 50-100 uV (micro-volt) range. .. Is induced in some people by the performance of a mental task such as mental arithmetic, tracing a maze, counting the number of cubes piled in a three-dimensional representation, & imaging a scene. .. More common in extroverts with low traits of neurosis & anxiety. Because Theta2 is associated with mental tasks & its influence is seen in evoked potential latencies, Mizuki (1987) believes that the appearance of Theta2 closely relates to mechanisms of attention or arousal. [DW]

5.5 - Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed ; "Inner Guidance" [SS]; Inner Guidance, intuition, heat generation [EI-d]

5.8 (reduce) Fear, Absent-mindedness, Dizziness [ESR]

6.0 - Long term memory stimulation [MB] ; (reduce) unwillingness to work [ESR]6.0 - 10.0 Creative Visualization - about 6hz for a while, then up to 10hz [NEU]

6-9.6 Somatic Responses, tingling, pressure, heat [SS]

6.15 Associated with heart (Effects=love,warmth) [TOS]

6.2-6.7 Frontal Midline Theta (Fm Theta) is a specific EEG frequency seen in those subjects actively engaged in cognitive activity, such as solving math problems & playing Tetris [TDM via DW]

6.26-6.6 Hemispheric desync, confusion, anxiety, low Reaction Time, depression insomnia [SS]

6.30 Hz - Mental & astral projection [SS seconded this]; accelerated learning & increased memory retention.[??]; (reduce) Anger + Irritability [ESR]

6.5 - "Center" of Theta2 Brainwave Frequency Range [DW]; "Your frontal lobe, or brain entrainment of the two hemispheres is around 6.5 hz." [RA]

6.8 Possible use for muscle spasms [ESR] ; associated with telepathy / Schumann Resonance [DHA]

6.88 Associated with collarbones (Effects=vitality, overall balance, stability) [TOS]

7.0 - 8.0 For healing purposes, like laying of hands by a healer, or self-vizualization in a healing situation [RA]; Treatment of Addictions [DW]

7.0 - Mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery; Increased Reaction Time [SS]; Mass aggregate frequency (can de-aggregate matter), alleged to resonate & rupture organs at excessive intensity [TB]; Treatment of sleep disturbances [PGS via DW]; Bone growth [NOR]

7.5 - Inter-awareness of self & purpose; guided meditation; creative thought for art, invention music, etc.; contact with spirit guides for direction; entry into meditation [MB]; At 7.5 HZ subjects who before suffered from confused thinking reported an ease at finding solutions to troublesome problems after a re- evaluation was conducted. [NYT via NEU]; (?) Earth magnetic field frequency, useful theta (brain) waves frequency [TB]

7.5 - 8 For Treating Alcohol + Drug Addiction - This range of frequencies tells a person they're satisfied, which is "missing" in addictive personalities [RA]

7.69 Associated with shoulders (Effects=strength of the arms, expansion, teaching) [TOS]

7.8 Schumann Resonance (see 7.83 HZ), ESP activation [EI-d]; Doyere's group (1993), found that short high frequency bursts at 7.7 Hz induced LTP in prefrontal cortex, though only for one day. [AA via DW]

7.8-8 Stimulates ESP, paranormal [SS]

7.83 - Earth Resonance, grounding [�], "Schumann Resonance." [TS, ESR+HSW, MAG]; anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance [SS]; psychic healing experiments [ESR]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]; Earth Resonance Frequency - 'leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country.' [PWM via DW]; reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning - "the earth's natural brainwave" [MAG]

8-8.6 Reduced Stress/Anxiety [SS]

8.0-10.0 learning new information [MH]; Alpha - Rapid Refreshment 15 min [NEU]; "LOW ALPHA" inner- awareness of self, mind/body integration, balance [CRI]

8.0-12.0 - Alpha range (per NEU, RA, PWM, NSS & CRI) - light relaxation, "super learning", positive thinking. [NEU]; Conducive to creative problem solving, accelerated learning, mood elevation, stress reduction, etc., characterized by intuitive insights, creative "juice", inspiration, motivation, daydreams etc. Relaxed, yet alert [PWM via DW]; Associated with calm, relaxed, unfocused (not concentrating), lucid mental states, dream sleep & pleasant drifting feelings or emotions. [NSS via DW] ; promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in mental coordination, enhances relaxation, "Can move quickly + efficiently to accomplish whatever task is at hand.", feelings of "at ease" + calm, promotes good moods, a bridge between conscious + subconscious, alpha waves indicate a person is alert but not actively processing information, seen more in extroverts than introverts, seen during creative problem solving [CRI]

8-13 - Alpha range - Non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, primarily with pleasant inward awareness; body/mind integration. ; Amplifies dowsing, empty-mind states, detachment, daydreams, mind/body integration. (can cause) epileptic seizures [SS]; Note : [NEU], [RA], [PWM], [NSS] + [CRI] consider the alpha range to be 8.0-12.0. [AWI] considers it 9.0-14.0. [VUG] has it as 9.0-13.0.

8-14 - Qi Gong and infratonic Qi Gong machine [QG]

8.0 - Past life regression [�]; More Lymphocytes, DNA repair (RAD-6) [SS]; Associated with Base/Muladhara chakra (Color=Red) (Body Parts=Adrenals, Spinal Column, Kidneys) (Effects=Physical energy, will to live)(Note=C) [OML]

8.22 Associated with mouth (Effects=speech, creativity) [TOS]

8.3 - Pick up visual images of mental objects [??]; clairvoyance [SS]; "Monroe Focus 12?" [NEU]

8.6-9.8 Induces sleep, tingling sensations [SS]

9.0, 11.0, 16.0 [bad] documented calcium ion migration (brain tissue) [SS]

9.0 - 13.0 - Alpha Range (according to [VUG]) - relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular, sometimes a pleasurable feeling of "floating". Often dominant in certain kinds of meditation, alpha waves have for the past twenty years been associated with calm, lucid mental states (the "alpha state"). They're also often detected during dream sleep. This pattern typically occurs in daydreaming, relaxed awareness, guided or focused imagery & smoothly rhythmic athletic activity. There's often a euphoric, effortless feeling of "flow" as the doer is absorbed in activity and subject + object are felt to be united. [VUG via DW]

9.0 - 14.0 Alpha range (according to [AWI]) - Relaxed & detached awareness, visualization, sensory imagery, light reverie. Also, gateway to meditation - provides bridge between the conscious & subconscious mind. [AWI]

9.0 - Awareness of causes of body imbalance & means for balance. Blind person phantom touch reading (somatosensory cortex) [RA]; Associated with Sacral/Svadhisthana chakra (Color=Orange) (Body Parts=Gonads, Reproductive System) (Effects=Relationships/Sexuality) (Note=D) [OML]

9.19 Associated with upper lip (Effects=emotions, conflict resolution) [TOS]

9.4 Major frequency used for prostate problems. [ESR] - Self-explanatory. =)9.41 - Pyramid frequency (outside)

9.5-10 - Center of Alpha Range - The brain's scanning/idling frequency - indicating a brain standing by, waiting to "give way to beta should attention be required, or be the bridge, the gate, to Theta & Delta for drowsiness, sleep, and certain cognitive challenges. [DW]

9.6 - Mean dominant frequency associated with earth's magnetic field [EQ]; Facial Toning [ESR]

9.8-10.6 Alertness [SS]

10 - enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes [MB]. Acts as ananalgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangovers & jet lag. [EQ] Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal. [MB3] dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant, circadian rhythm resync, activate kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin [SS]; Good when trying to correlate information by the subconscious - Sort of a waiting frequency while the subconscious does the work at lower frequencies. [RA]; Motor impulse coordination (Motor Control cortex) [RA]; Learning a foreign language [RA+PWM via DW]; Centering, Sleep Spindles, Arousal [EI-d]; Associated with Solar Plexus/ Manipura chakra (Color=Yellow) (Body Parts=Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System) (Effects=Spiritual wisdom, self-healing)(Note=E) [OML]; Increased alertness (caused by an increase in norepinephrine + serotonin & a decrease in melatonin), sense of well being & decreased pain (caused by increase in beta-endorphins) [RED]; Adrenal Stimulant [RS]; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 18 HZ) [RUS via DW]; Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder/ Hyperactivity [LUB via DW]; Treatment for closed head injury [HOF via DW]; 'Berger Rhythm' [BER via DW]; (used on) headaches [RS]; ligament healing [NOR]

10-12: HIGH ALPHA RANGE - centering, healing, mind/body connection [CRI]

10-14 Dream/sleep spindles [SS]

10.2 Catecholamines

10.3 Associated With Nasal Passages (Effects=breathing, taste) [TOS]

10.5 - Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking; potent stabilizer & stimulating for immunity, valuable in convalescence. [MB] Relaxed alertness, contemplation, body healing, mind over matter [SS] Lowering Blood Pressure [RA+PWM via DW]; Associated with Heart/Anahata chakra (Color=Green) (Body Parts=Thymus, Heart, Blood, Circulatory System) (Effects=Love of Life, love of self & others) (Note=F) [OML]

10.6 - Relaxed & alert

10.7 Associated with ears (Effects=hearing, formal concepts) [TOS]

11.0 (& Below) - Stress Reduction (DW)

11-14 Focused alertness [SS]

11.0 (used to) achieve "relaxed yet alert" states. [PWM]

11.5-14.5 An implication for neurotherapy is that if increased intelligence + mental efficiency is the objective, then a frequency band with a 13-Hz center should be used. A more desirable frequency band than 12 to 15-Hz is 11.5 to 14.5-Hz. [DW]

12.0 - Centering, doorway to all other frequencies [�] ; frequency of earth resonance (Hercules - a researcher); Centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster [SS]; To stimulate mental clarity [ESR]; Associated with Throat/Vishuddha chakra (Color=Blue) (Body Parts=Thyroid, Lungs, Vocal Cords) (Effects=Expression/self in society)(Note=G) [OML]

12.0-36.0 Beta Range [per CRI] - dominant brainwave in alert/awake/anxious adults with their eyes open. Comes into play when "listening & thinking during analytical problem solving, judgment, decision making, processing information about the world around us." [CRI]

12.0-14.0 Learning Frequency - Good for absorbing information passively, when you plan to think about it later. [RA]  distinguishes between active studying where you're processing information & passive studying where you're just trying to absorb information + plan to think about it later. For the former, he suggests 36 to 44 HZ.

12.0-15.0 Beta (low) - relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities [NEU+CRI]; Treating Hyperactivity [RA] ; Sensorimotor Rhythm (SMR) - Used in the treatment of mild autism [AUT via DW]

12.3 Associated with eyes (Effects=Visualization) [TOS]

13-27 - Beta Range (according to [NSS]) - Associated with focused attention towards external stimuli, alert mental activity, normal waking consciousness, & active thought processes. [NSS via DW]

13-30 - Beta Range - Normal wakefulness, the taking in & evaluating of various forms of data received through the senses. It's present with worry, anger, fear, hunger & surprise. [�] Waking state, motivation,outer awareness, survival, problem-solving, arousal, dendrite growth, combats drowsiness [SS]; Conscious Thinking, Autonomic Processes & Emotions [EH]

13-40 Beta Range (according to [RA] + [PWM]) - a high frequency pattern, conducive to stimulating energy + action; most of our current institutionalized education is beta geared, characterized by logical, analytical, intellectual thinking, verbal communication, etc. [PWM via DW]

13.0 - Alleged sphincter resonance (mechanical) [TB]; Associated with Brow/Ajna chakra (Color=Indigo/Violet) (Body Parts=Pituitary, Lower Brain, Left Eye, Ears, Nose, Nervous System) (Effects=Visualization, Conceptualization)(Note=A) [OML]

13.8 - Associated with Frontal Lobes (Effects=the seventh sense, final decision) [TOS]

14-16 - associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of sleep [EQ]

14-15 - Slows conditioned reflexes [SS]

14.0-30.0 - Beta Range (?I think? according to VUG) - This pattern is optimal for intense mental activities such as calculations, linear logical analyses & other highly structured functions [VUG via DW]

14.0 - Awake & alert [??]; Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks [SS?]; Schumann Resonance (2nd of 7 frequencies. 7.83 HZ being the first) [TS+HSW]; Intelligence Enhancement in conjunction with 22.0 HZ (medium=audio-visual stimulation) [APE] [APE] used audio-visual stimulation alternating between 14 & 22 HZ. Check the link under [APE]'s bibliography entry for more information.

14.1 "Earth Resonance" [SS]; Earth Harmonics - accelerated healing [EI-d] (probably tied to Schumann Resonance above.)

15.0-18.0 Beta (mid) - increased mental ability, focus, alertness, IQ [NEU+CRI]; "alert but not agitated"/"aware of self & surroundings" [CRI]';

15-24 Euphoria [SS] I will vouch for this one - I find binaurally produced tones between 18 HZ & 21 HZ have very pleasant results, in a jogger's high sort of way. This effect seems the strongest around 20 HZ. While other sources equate this frequency range with stress, I'm thinking it might be like the roar of a car engine - in small doses, it can be quite a rush, but too much of it can lead to a headache. The serotonin system is funny like that. [MPT]

15 - chronic pain [MB]; Sound which bypasses the ears for sublimination (auditory cortex) [RA]; Associated with Crown/Sahasrara chakra (Color=Violet/White) (Body Parts=Pineal, Upper Brain, Right Eye) (Effects=Integration of personality & spirituality.)(Note=B) [OML]; capillary formation, fibroblast proliferation, decreased skin necrosis [NOR]

15.4 - Associated with Cortex (Effects=intelligence) [TOS]

16.0 - bottom limit of normal hearing [MP2]; Release oxygen & calcium into cells [CC]16.4 Associated with top of head (Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence) [TOS]

18.0-22.0 - Beta: outward awareness, sensory data [??] ; Throws brain's sodium/potassium levels out of balance, resulting in mental fatigue. [INT]; Theoretically can be used to achieve a "relaxed body/focus mind" state of consciousness [DW]  [INT] + [DW] seem to contradict each other here.

18.0+ Beta (high) - fully awake, normal state of alertness, stress & anxiety [NEU]; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 10 HZ) [RUS via DW]; (used to) improve hyperactive behavior [PWM via DW]; Associated with mental activity like math + planning - alert, but may also be agitated [CRI]

20-30 Phospene imagery, peak luminosity in visual field [SS]

20-40 Meditation For Stress Relief/Just At The Edge Of Audible Sound/As A Musical Background [RA]

20.0 - fatigue, energize. Causes distress during labor.[EQ]; Human Hearing Threshold [SS]; Schumann Resonance (3rd frequency of 7) [TS+HSW]; Imposing subconscious commands on another (thought center) [RA]; Stimulation of pineal gland [ESR][JB] ; Helps with tinnitis (a condition that causes ear-ringing) [JB]; Adrenal Stimulant, (used on) sinus disorders/sinus infection/head cold/headache [RS]; Commonly used "cure-all" Rife Frequency [CR]

20.215 LSD-25 [PSI] (he implies it could mimic the effects of)

20.3 "Earth Resonance" [SS] Probably the same thing as the Schumann Resonance at 20 HZ.

22.0 Used in conjunction with 14 HZ for intelligence enhancement (medium=audio-visual stimulation) [APE]; Used in conjunction with 40 HZ for 'out of body' travel [EWI via DW]; Also used with 40 HZ for psychic healing. [FAH via DW] [APE] used audio-visual stimulation alternating between 14 and 22 HZ. Check the link under [APE]'s bibliography entry for more information.

22.027 Serotonin [PSI]

25.0 Bypassing the eyes for images imprinting (visual cortex) [RA]; Tested clinically with patients who complain of anxiety [PGS via DW]

26.0 Schumann Resonance (4th frequency of 7) [TS+HSW];

26.0 - 28.0 Astral Projection / produced during meditation by some [ANO]

26.4 "Earth Resonance" [SS]

27 - 44 Frequency range that cats purr at - said to have restorative effects on the body, particularly the 'healing and strengthening of bones' [BON]

27.5 lowest note on a piano [MP2]

30 Meg Patterson used for marijuana. [MB3]

30 - 60 Gamma Range - little known but includes decision-making in a fear situation, muscle tension, [EH]. [INT] considers Gamma to start at 40 HZ.

30 - 190 Lumbago [AT]

30-500 High Beta: Not associated currently with any state of mind. Some effects have been observed, but currently not enough research has been done in this area, to prove, or disprove, anything.; a few people able to replicate at will (?? - not sure what that last point means) Starting at 30 HZ, sources begin to seriously disagree over what the names of each range are.  [EH] considers 30 to be the beginning of the Gamma range, which it believes run to 60. It then considers 60 to 120 to be the Lambda range. Incidentally, [INT] believes that 40 is where Beta ends & Gamma begins.

31.32 Pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) (this is a higher octave of the 7.83HZ Schumann Resonance) [HSW]

32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigour & alertness [MB]

33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside) ; Schumann Resonance (5th frequency of 7) [TS] Funky coincidence it lines up with the Christ Consciousness & Pyramid frequency, eh? I've had some interesting results with this one -- particularly when I overlap waves at 9.0 HZ (pyramid outside frequency). The mind tends to wander in funny ways.

35 - 150 Fractures [AT]

35 - 193 Arthralgy [AT]

35 Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras

36 - 44 Learning Frequencies, When [Actively] Studying Or Thinking. Helps To Maintain Alertness. Waking Operating State [RA]; Frequencies of the olfactory bulb, prepiriform cortex & amygdala [DSH via DW]; Coordinates simultaneous processing of information in different areas of the brain. Associated with high-level information processing. 'A good memory is associated with well-regulated & efficient 40 HZ activity, whereas a 40 HZ deficiency creates learning disabilities.' [CRI]

38 Endorphin release [WL]

39.0 Schumann Resonance [6th frequency of 7] [TS]

40-60 anxiolytic effects & stimulates the release of beta-endorphines [MB]

43 - 193 Carcinomatosis [AT]

40.0 - dominant when problem-solving in fearful situations. [EQ] ; Gamma - associated with information-rich task processing & high-level information processing [NEU]; "'For scientists who study the human brain, even its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy. 40 Hz brain activity may be a kind of binding mechanism', said Dr. Rodolfo Llinas a professor of neuroscience at New York University. Llinas believes that the 40-cycle-per-second wave serves to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing occurs, and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay & integrative functions are carried out." [NME via NEU]; Used in conjunction with 22 HZ for 'out of body' travel [EWI via DW]; Also used with 22 HZ for psychic healing. [FAH via DW]; "40--Hz activity varies from

38.8 to 40.1-Hz, regardless of the electrode site. The average frequency is in the ~39.5-Hz range. In summary, when the body is profoundly relaxed & the mind is in a state of high focus and concentration, 20 & 40-Hz brain activity can be seen in the raw and quantitative EEG of some subjects. It is possible that 18 to 22-Hz Beta & possibly 40-Hz neurofeedback training may help create a "relaxed body/focused mind" state of consciousness." [DW]; Activity in the ectosylvian & lateral cortex, medial geniculate, reticular formation, center median thalamus & hippocampus [ROW via DW]; Confirming Sheer et al's work, compared the EEG of middle- & high-I.Q. subjects during mental multiplication activity. A 40-Hz rhythm occurred just prior to the subject's answering the question. Forty--Hz pulses are thought to lead to synchronization + coordination of neurons assigned to the processing of incoming sensory stimulation.

Put in "computerese," 40-Hz may be the brain's "operating system" frequency [GIA via DW] Involved In The Processing Of Psi Information (see note) [EMC] Study shows reversed signs of Alzheimer's in mice. [SA1] Considered the dividing point between beta waves + gamma waves, although there's some disagreement about this. [INT]

45.0 Schumann Resonance (7th frequency of 7)[TS]

46.98 - Useful for "weird effects" (use with 62.64 HZ and 70.47 HZ) [TB]• [TB] gets the award for most ambiguous description. Although, I'm including it since it's a very specific frequency. I'll research it further and try to dig up some additional information.

50-60 Documented negative effects too numerous to mention There is no correlation given with signal strength or modality used, i.e. audio-visual, EMF, magnetic, electrostatic, gravitic. Also, most ELF research is now Govt classified, particularly since the mid-1960's when Hamer discovered behavioral effects as the result of applied sinusoidal field gradients as low as 4 volts. [SS via DW]

50.0 - Dominant frequency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in U.K. [EQ]; Slower cerebral rhythms [??]

55.0 - Tantric yoga; stimulates the kundalini. [�]

60 - 120 Lambda Range - Little known but includes central nervous system activity [EH]

60 electric power lines

62.64 - Useful for "weird effects". (use with 46.98 HZ and 70.47 HZ) [TB]

63 Astral projection

65.8 Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column) (higher octave of 2.06 HZ) [TOS]

70-9,000 Voice spectrum [MP1]

70 Mental & astral projection ; Endorphin production/used with electroanalgesia. [VPL]

70.47 Useful for "weird effects". (use with 46.98 HZ and 62.64 HZ) [TB]

72 Emotional spectrum [??]; Used on sinusitis/sinus infection/head cold [RS]

73.6 Associated with genitals (higher octave of 2.30 HZ) [TOS]

80 Awareness & control of direction. Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 160Hz. Combine with 2.5 Hz. [EQ]

82.3 Associated with bladder (higher octave of 2.57 HZ) [TOS]

83 - Third eye opening for some people

85.5 - Associated with intestines (higher octave of 2.67 HZ) [TOS]

90.0 - 111.0 Pleasure-producing beta-endorphins rise between these frequencies. [PSI]

90.0 Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing [??]

95.0-125.0 Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures [ACS via DW]

95.0 Use for pain along with 3040 HZ [ESR]

98.4 Associated with hara (3cm or 1.5 inch below navel, balance of pelvis) (higher octave of 3.07 HZ) [TOS]

100 Can help with pain [used with electrical stimulation] [CMP] The site specifically mentions it can be good for pain initially, but then recommends using 0.5 or 1.5 to treat pain.

105 - Overall view of complete situation; persistent frequency of singing sand dunes of Morocco [NG]

108 - Total knowing

110.0 - Frequency associated with stomach. [Note=A] [BH1][BH4]; Associated with ovaries (Effects=vitality, life at very level) (higher octave of 3.84 HZ) [TOS]

111 Beta endorphins [MB2]. cell regeneration [??]

117.3 Frequency associated with Pancreas [Note=C#] [BH1][BH4]

120 - 500 P.S.I., moving of objects, changing matter, transmutation, psychokinesis

120 Helps with fatigue (Medium=pad)[JB]; (used on) sinus disorders/sinus infection/head cold [RS]

125 Graham potentializer; Stimulation [MH]; (used on) sinusitis [RS]126.22 - Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year [HC]; The Frequency Of The Sun (Note=C) (Color=Green) (Tempo=118.3 BPM) (Chakra=Manipura, also called Hara {associated with Navel & 3rd lumbar vertebrae}) (Effects=advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental) [HC/Planetware website]

132.0 Associated with kidneys (Effects=strength) (higher octave of 4.11 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column) (higher octave of 2.06 HZ) [TOS]

136.1 Sun: light, warmth, joy, animus [RV]; Resonates with the earth year (Note=C#) (Color=Turqouise Green) (Effects=calming, meditative, relaxing, centering) [PSI]; Period it takes earth to revolve around sun (Tempo=63.8*127.6) (Chakra=Anahate/Heart chakra)(Effects=relaxing, soothing, balancing, harmony with the cosmos, associated with the soul {"frequency of the soul}) (Medicinal=Sedative) (Other=significant tone in Indian music {called it the "sadja" or "father to others" - it was a keynote} - corresponds to "OM" & the Christian "AMEN") [HC/Planetware website]

140.25 Pluto: power, crisis & changes [??]; Frequency associated with the orbit of Pluto; (Note=C#) (Color=blue-green) (Tempo=65.7 * 131.4 BPM) (Effects = support the magic group dynamic principle and is said to be responsible for integration into certain structures of society) [HC/Planetware website]

141.27 Mercury: intellectuality, mobility [??]; Frequency associated with orbit of Mercury (Note=C# or D) (Color=blue-green or blue) (Tempo=66.2) (Chakra=Vishudda/Throat chakra) (Effects=Supports speech center and communicative-intellectual principle, associated with communication and cleverness) [HC/Planetware] [HC/Planetware] says the frequencies of planets revolving around the sun are less important than those of the moon, sun, and Earth.

144.0 (helps with) headaches (Medium=pad)[JB]144.72 Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor [??]; Frequency associated with the orbit of Mars (Note=D)

(Color=blue) (Tempo=67.8 * 135.6 BPM) (Effect : Supports strength of will and focused energy, ability for achievement) [HC/Planetware]

146.0 (used on) sinus infection/head cold [RS]

147.0 Associated with the spleen/blood (Effects=Emotional Impulse) (higher octave of 4.6 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with genitals (higher octave of 2.30 HZ) [TOS] 147.85 Saturn: separation, sorrow, death [??]; Frequency associated with orbit of Saturn (Note=D) (Color=Blue) (Tempo=69.3 * 138.6 BPM) (Effects=enhances concentration and the process of becoming conscious + shows very clearly karmic connections, brings structure and order - is considered to be a cosmic controller) [HC/Planetware]

160.0 Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 80 Hz. [EQ]; Use for rapid relief from headaches [ESR]; used on sinus infection/head cold [RS]

164.3 Frequency associated with Gall Bladder [Note=E] [BH1][BH4]

165.0 Associated with stomach (Effects=Emotional Acceptance) (higher octave of 5.14 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with bladder (higher octave of 2.57 HZ) [TOS];

165.0-170.0 Spiritual fall/consciousness collapse [JM] [JM] said to avoid between 165.0 HZ to 170 HZ, "although the repercussions extend for a ways on either side of that." He's not completely clear why he feels this particular range should be avoided.

171.0 Associated with lungs (Effects=Oxygen, Heat) (higher octave of 5.35 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with intestines (higher octave of 2.67 HZ) [TOS]

172.06 - Resonates with the Platonic year {about 26,000 years} (Note=F) (Color=purple-violet) (Effects=joyful, cheerful, spiritual effect) [PSI]; The Frequency Of The Platonic Year (Color=red-violet {purple}) (Tempo=80.6 BPM) (Chakra=Sahasrar/Crown chakra) (Effects=cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, cosmic unity on highest levels) (Medicinal=antidepressive) (Other=F is considered the tone of the spirit, and had a lot of significance to the Chinese) [HC/Planetware website]  Other sources [PM] disagree about the tone F being associated with the Crown chakra, which is how HC/Planetware connects this frequency to the crown chakra. [PM] considers the crown chakra to be associated with the B note, and not F.

176.0 - Frequency associated with the colon. [Note=F or F#] [BH1][BH4]

183.58 - Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality [??] ; Frequency associated with the orbit of Jupiter (Note=F#) (Color=Red) (Tempo=86.05 * 172.1 BPM) (Effects : supports creative power and continuous construction) (Associated with Jupiter : Generosity, Continuity, Magnanimity, Joviality) [HC/planetware website]

185.0 - (used on) sinus infection/head cold [RS]

187.61 frequency of "moon culmination" ; [HC/planetware website]

194.18 frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day {the "day tone"} (Note=G) (Color=Orange Red) (Tempo=91.0 BPM) (Chakra=Muladhar/Base chakra) (Effects = dynamic, vitalizing)(Medicinal="tonifies") (Other="weather determining" spheric frequency, influences proteins, brings one into harmony with nature") [HC/planetware website]

194.71 - Earth: stability, grounding [??]; Key Of G resonates with frequency of earth day, the color orange-red, & has a dynamic, stimulating, and energizing effect on the body-mind. [PSI]

197.0 Associated with heart (Effects=love, warmth) (higher octave of 6.15) [TOS]; Associated with hara (3cm or 1.5" below navel, balance of pelvis) (higher octave of 3.07 HZ) [TOS]

197.71 frequency of Sideric Day ; [HC/planetware website]

207.36 - Uranus: spontaneity, independence, originality [??]; Frequency associated with orbit of Uranus (Note=G#) (Color=Orange) (Tempo = 97.2 BMP) (Effects = supports the power of surprise and renewal, has primeval and erotic power) [HC/planetware website]

210.42 frequency of Synodic Moon (Note=G#) (Color=orange) (Tempo=98.6 BPM) (Chakra=Svadisthan {2nd Chakra}) (Effects=stimulates sexual energy, supports erotic communication) (Medicinal=regulation of menstruation, disturbances in the gland and lymph system) [HC/planetware website]

211.44 - Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love [??]; frequency associated with orbit of Neptune (Note=G#) (Color=orange) (Tempo=99.1 BPM) (Effects = supports intuition, the unconsciousness, and enhances the dream experience) [HC/planetware website]

220.0 Frequency associated with lungs. [Note = A] [BH1][BH4] Associated with collarbones (Effects=vitality, overall balance, stability) (higher octave of 6.88 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with ovaries (Effects=vitality, life at very level) (higher octave of 3.84 HZ) [TOS]

221.23 - Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony [??]; Frequency associated with the orbit of Venus (Note=A) (Color=yellow-orange) (Tempo=103.7 BPM) (Chakra=Ajna/Third Eye) (Effects=supports higher love energy and aspiration for harmony) [HC/planetware website]

227.43 frequency of Sideric Moon ; [HC/planetware website]

229.22 frequency of Metonic Cycle [related to moon] ; [HC/planetware website]

234.16 frequency of Moon knot ; [HC/planetware website]

241.56 frequency of Saros periode ; [related to moon] ; [HC/planetware website]

246.04 frequency of Apsidis rotation ; [related to moon] ; [HC/planetware website]

250.0 Elevate and revitalize

254.57 Frequency associated with orbit of Icarus (asteroid) [MPT]

256.0 Root Chakra (1:1) (Note=C) [BH3]; Root Chakra (Color=Red) (Tone='Uh') (Note=C) [MWH]

263.0 Associated with mouth (Effects=speech, creativity) (higher octave of 8.22 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with kidneys (Effects=strength) (higher octave of 4.11 HZ) [TOS]

264.0 Related to Personality somehow. (Note=C+) [BH4]

272.0 33rd octave of Earth year [HC]; Frequency associated with Selenium (mineral nutrient) (Note=C#) [BH]

272.2 Frequency associated with orbit of Earth (Note=C#) [BH2]

273.0 Transpersonal Chakra (1:15) [Note=C#] (Earth Orbit 272) [BH3]

280.5 Frequency associated with orbit of Pluto [Note=C#] [BH2]

281.0 - Frequency associated with Intestines [Note=C#] [BH1]

281.6 - Frequency associated with Small Intestine [Note=C#] [BH4]

282.4 - Frequency associated with orbit of Mercury. [Note=D] [BH2]

288.0 - Polarity Chakra (9:1) [Note=D] (Mars Orbit 289) [BH3]; Sacral Chakra (Color=Orange) (Tone='Ooo') (Note=D) [MWH]

289.4 - Frequency associated with orbit of Mars. [Note=D] [BH2]

293.0 - "unknown" Chakra (1:14) (Note=D+) (Saturn Orbit 296) [BH3]• I take it by D+, she means a note somewhere between D and D#. A quarter note, perhaps. [MPT]

294.0 - Associated with the upper lip (Effects=emotions, conflict resolution) (higher octave of 9.19 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with the spleen/blood (Effects=Emotional Impulse) (higher octave of 4.6 HZ) [TOS]

295.7 - Frequency associated with orbit of Saturn (Note=D#) [BH2]

295.8 - Frequency associated with Fat Cells (Note=C#) [BH1][BH4]

296.07 - Frequency associated with orbit of Toutatis (asteroid) [MPT]

304.0 - Useful on headaches (medium=pad); sedation and pain relief (medium=tube) [JB+KFL] ; (useful for) blood pressure, (and with) stiff muscles (KFL); Frequency associated with Potassium (mineral nutrient) (Note=D#) [BH]

310.7 - Frequency associated with spin of Neptune (Note=Eb) [BH2]

315.0 - Diaphragm Chakra (10:1) (Note=Eb) [BH3]

315.8 - Frequency associated with Brain (Note=Eb) [BH1]

317.83 - Frequency associated with Liver (Note=Eb) [BH1][BH4]

319.88 - Frequency associated with Kidney (Note=Eb) [BH1][BH4]

320.0 - Solar Plexus Chakra (10:1) (Note=Eb) [BH3]; Solar Plexus Chakra (Color=Yellow) (Tone='Oh') (Note=E) [MWH]; Frequency associated with Calcium (mineral nutrient) (Note=E or Eb) [BH] Both [BH3] and [MWH] sources agree this frequency is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, but I separated the entries, since there is some minor variation with the info provided.

321.9 - Frequency associated with blood. (Note=E or Eb) [BH1][BH4]

324.0 - Frequency associated with muscles. (Note=E) [BH1][BH4]

329.0 Associated With Nasal Passages (Effects=breathing, taste) (higher octave of 10.3 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with stomach (Effects=Emotional Acceptance) (higher octave of 5.14 HZ) [TOS]

330.0 Used to treat allergies in conjunction with 3 HZ [RS]

333.0 (used on) sinus infection/head cold [RS]

332.8 - Frequency associated with orbit of Sun (Note=E) [BH2] When [BH2] says the "orbit of the sun", I believe she means how long it would take an imaginary planet to orbit around the sun's outer boundary [circumfrence]. This is how [HC/ planetware] made this calculation - the period is then lowered a few octaves to get it into the audible sound range. That's how [HC/planetware] does most of its calculations, and probably how [BH] does it as well. [HC/planetware], when lowering [or in the case of planets raising] the octave, seems to gun for lower tones than [BH] does. The [HC/ planetware] tones would be a little "bassier". Which is probably why the frequencies of all these astronomical phenomena that [HC/planetware] gives doesn't line up with the frequencies that [BH] gives.

336.0 - Frequency associated with Molybdenum (mineral nutrient) [BH]

341.0 - Heart Chakra (1:12) (Note=F) [BH3]

341.3 - Heart Chakra (Color=Green) (Tone='Ah') (Note=F) [MWH] As always with chakras, the [BH3] and [MWH] sources are almost in sync with each other, but not this time. There is a .03 difference in the value they give for the Heart Chakra.

342.0 - Associated with ears (Effects=hearing, formal concepts) (higher octave of 13.8 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with lungs (Effects=Oxygen, Heat) (higher octave of 5.35 HZ) [TOS]

352.0 - Frequency associated with bladder. (Note=F) [BH1][BH4]; Thymus Chakra (11:1) (Note=F#) [BH3]

360.0 - The "Balance Frequency" - brings sensations of joy and healing / derived from the Golden Section / brings balance to health / (per NASA astronauts) the Earth creates a 360 HZ tone in space.) [EI]

367.0 - (used on) sinus infection/head cold [RS]

367.2 - Frequency associated with orbit of Jupiter (Note=F#) [BH2]

368.09 - Frequency associated with orbit of Apollo (asteroid) [MPT]372.0 - "unknown" Chakra (1:11) (Note=G#) (Earth Spin 378) [BH3]

375.70 - Frequency associated with the orbit of Eros (asteroid) [MPT]

378.5 - Frequency associated with spin of Earth. (Note=F#) [BH2]

380.96 - Frequency associated with orbit of Ida (asteroid) [MPT]

384.0 - "Gurdjieff vibration associated with root chakra. Sixth harmonic of six, center of the brainwave spectrum." [RP]; Throat Chakra (12:1) (Note=G) [BH3]; Throat Chakra (Color=Blue) (Tone='Eye')

(Note=G)[MWH]; Frequency associated with Chromium (mineral nutrient) (Note=G?) [BH]

389.4 - Frequency associated with spin of Mars. (Note=G) [BH2]

393.0 - Associated with eyes (Effects=Visualization) (higher octave of 12.3) [TOS]; Associated with heart (Effects=love, warmth) (higher octave of 6.15) [TOS]

393.34 - Frequency associated with orbit of Pallas (asteroid) [MPT]

394.76 - Frequency associated with orbit of Ceres (asteroid) [MPT]

396 - G (musical note) [PL]; "Liberating Guilt and Fear"/Solfeggio Frequency 'UT' [SE]

400 Seems to decongest [KFL]; Frequency associated with Manganese (mineral nutrient) (Note=G or G#) [BH]

405 - Violet [PL]

408.7 - Frequency associated with orbit of Juno (asteroid) [MPT]

409.1 - Frequency associated with spin of Venus (Note=G#) [BH2]

410.0 - "unknown" Chakra (1:10) (Note=Ab) (Venus Spin 409) [BH3]

414.7 - Frequency associated with orbit of Uranus (Note=G#) [BH2]

416.0 - Psychic Center Chakra (13:1) (Note=Ab) (Uranus Orbit 415) [BH3]; Frequency associated with Iron (mineral nutrient) (Note=Ab) [BH]

417 - "Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change"/Solfeggio Frequency 'Re' [SE]

418.3 - Frequency associated with bones (Note=Ab) [BH1][BH4]

420.82 - Moon: love, sensitivity, creativity, femininity, anima

421.3 - Frequency associated with orbit of moon (Note=Ab) [BH2]

422.8 - Frequency associated with orbit of Neptune (Note=Ab) [BH2]

424.0 - (used on) Fatigue (medium=pad) [JB]; Frequency associated with Iodine (mineral nutrient)(Note=Ab) [BH]

426.7 - Brow Chakra (Color=Indigo) (Tone='Ay') (Note=A) [MWH]

430.8 - Frequency associated with spin of Uranus (Note=Ab) [BH2]

432.0 - This frequency is associated with a movement to move the standard tuning of the Western diatonic scale away from the current 440 HZ A note to the 432 HZ A note instead. Proponents of this change indicate music played with a 432 tuning is more pleasant, brighter, and easier on the ears. They also indicate it promotes meditation and relaxed states, and the tuning as a whole resonates with the heart chakra. The tuning has been presumably used by ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks, and in some classical music (example - Giuseppe Verdi). [AV]

439.0 - Crown Chakra (Color=Violet) (Tone='Eee') (Note=B) [MWH] For the modern diatonic scale, this would be an A note.

440 - A (musical note) [PL?] ; Associated with Frontal Lobes (Effects=the seventh sense, final decision) (higher octave of 13.8) [TOS]; Associated with collarbones (Effects=vitality, overall balance, stability) (higher octave of 6.88 HZ) [TOS]

441.0 - The King's Chamber Frequency - acts towards preservation and equilibrium [EI] Per [EI]'s website, "Play a 441 HZ tone in a chaotic room and people will find themselves mellowing down."

442.0 - Frequency associated with orbit of Venus. (Note=A) [BH2]

448.0 - Third Eye Chakra (14:1) (Note=A) [BH3]

445.0 - ["unknown"] Chakra (1:9) (Note=Bb) (Venus Orbit 442) [BH3] That's what [BH] put. "unknown" [MPT]

454.0 - (Radionic) Resonance frequency of water [MV]

455.4 - Frequency associated with spin of Saturn (Note=A#) [BH2]

456.0 - (used on) sinusitis/sinus infection/head cold [RS]

461.67 - Frequency associated with orbit of Vesta (asteroid) [MPT]

464.0 - Frequency associated with Copper (mineral nutrient) (Note=Bb) [BH]; (used on) sinus infections/head colds w/ 728hz,784hz & 880hz [RS]

473 - Blue [PL?] (!!!) - See Glossary entry "COLOR"

473.9 - Frequency associated with spin of Jupiter (Note=Bb) [BH2]

480 - Crown Chakra (15 : 1) (Note=B) [BH3]; Frequency associated with Phosphorous & Zinc (mineral nutrients) (Note=B) [BH]

486.2 - Frequency associated with spin of Pluto (Note=B) [BH2]

492.0 - Frequency associated with Spleen (Note=B) [BH4]; Associated with Cortex (Effects=intelligence) (higher octave of 15.4 HZ) [TOS]

492.8 - Frequency associated with Adrenals (Note=B) [BH1]; Associated with Adrenals, Thyroid & Parathyroid [BH4]

493.00 - Frequency associated with the orbit of Gaspra (asteroid) [MPT]

495 - B (musical note) [PL?]

495.25 - Frequency associated with orbit of Castalia (asteroid) [MPT]

497.1 - Frequency associated with spin of Sun. (Note=B) [BH2]

500.0 - (used to treat) Anthrax (medium=tube) [JB]  Disclaimer!! - If you legitly think you have anthrax, do NOT rely on my frequency chart. Go see a doctor. However, if you do want to tinker around, this frequency was used as an EM field, not a sound. I'm not sure if it would work as a sound. Use at your own risk. (That goes for the other anthrax/smallpox frequencies too.)

512.0 - 'Ascension' Chakra (Color=White) (Tone='Om') (Note=C) [MWH]

520.0 - (used on) Headaches (medium=pad) [JB]

522.0 - (used on) sinus infection/head cold [RS]

526 - Associated with top of head (Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence) (higher octave of 16.4 HZ) [TOS] ; Associated with mouth (Effects=speech, creativity) (higher octave of 8.22 HZ) [TOS]

527 - Green [PL?] - (!!!) See Glossary Entry "COLOR"

528 - C (musical note) [PL?]; "Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)"/Solfeggio Frequency 'MI' [SE]; "Used by genetic scientists to mend DNA/strengthens cell wall to boost immunity" [EI]

542 - Bio-energetic frequency for Variolinum (i.e. smallpox vaccine). See disclaimer for 500 HZ. [RS]

569 - Bio-energetic frequency for Variolinum (i.e. smallpox vaccine). See disclaimer for 500 HZ. [RS]

580 - Yellow [PL?] - (!!!) See Glossary Entry "COLOR"

586.0 - Associated with Circulation & Sex (Note=C#) [BH4]

588.0 - Associated with the upper lip (Effects=emotions, conflict resolution) (higher octave of 9.19 HZ) [TOS]

594 - D (musical note) [PL?]**597 - Orange [PL?] - (!!!) See Glossary Entry "COLOR"

620 - Keely Frequency (use with 630 and 12000) [TB]

630 - Keely Frequency (use with 620 & 12000) [TB]

633 - Bio-energetic frequency for Anthracinum (i.e. anthrax vaccine). See disclaimer for 500 HZ before even playing with this. [RS]

639 - "Connecting/Relationships" / Solfeggio Frequency 'FA' [SE]

658 - Associated With Nasal Passages (Effects=breathing, taste) (higher octave of 10.3 HZ) [TOS]

660 - E (musical note) [PL?]

664 - (used for) Fatigue (medium=pad) [JB]

685 - Associated with ears (Effects=hearing, formal concepts) (higher octave of 13.8 HZ) [TOS]

700 - Red [PL?] - (!!!) See Glossary Entry "COLOR"

704 - F (musical note) [PL?]

727 (used on) Allergies, Sinusitis [RS]; Commonly used "cure-all" Rife frequency [CR]

728 - (used on) sinus infections/head colds w/ 784hz,880hz & 464hz. [RS]

741 - "Awakening Intuition" / Solfeggio Frequency 'SOL' [SE]

784 -(used on) sinus infections/head colds w/ 728hz,880hz & 464hz. [RS]

787 - Associated with eyes (Effects=Visualization) (higher octave of 12.3) [TOS]; (used to treat) Allergies, Sinusitis [RS]; Commonly used "cure-all" Rife frequency [CR]

800 - Commonly used "cure-all" Rife Frequency [CR]

802 - (used on) sinusitis with 1550 HZ; (used on) sinus infection/head colds [RS]

820 - (used on) sinus infection/head colds [RS]

832 - Bio-energetic frequency for Variolinum (i.e. smallpox vaccine). See disclaimer for 500 HZ. [RS]

852 - "Returning To Spiritual Order" / Solfeggio Frequency 'LA' [SE]

880 - Associated with Frontal Lobes (Effects=the seventh sense, final decision) (higher octave of 13.8) [TOS]; (used on) Allergies, Sinusitis [RS]; (used on) sinus infections/head colds w/ 728hz,784hz & 464hz. [RS]; Commonly used "cure-all" Rife Frequency [CR]

952 - (used on) sinus infection/head colds [RS]

965 - Relaxes muscles, especially those of the neck [KFL]

984 - Associated with Cortex (Effects=intelligence) (higher octave of 15.4) [TOS]

1000 - Cerebral neurons

1024.0 - 'Global' Chakra (Note=C) [MWH]

1052 - Associated with top of head (Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence) (higher octave of 16.4 HZ) [TOS]

1500 - (used on) sinus infection/head colds [RS]

1550 - (used on) sinusitis with 802 HZ, (used on) sinus infections/head colds [RS];

1552 - (used on) eye disorders [KFL]

1600 - (used on) eye disorders [ESR]

2025 - Proton Precession/Water Resonance [TB]

2048.0 - 'Solar' Chakra (Note=C) [MWH]

2675 - "The Crystal Resonator". A subharmonic of the frequency of quartz crystal. "extremely effective for charging and clearing quartz crystals .. useful for clearing and balancing of their own energies. Some claim it energizes crystals in the brain. Others say that it activates aspects of the auric field. "(medium=sound/tuning fork) [JG]

3222 - Bio-energetic frequency for Variolinum (i.e. smallpox vaccine). See disclaimer for 500 HZ. [RS]

3040 - Use for pain along with 95 HZ [ESR]

4186 - highest note on a piano [MP2]

4096.0 - 'Galactic' Chakra (Note=C) [MWH]

4400 - (used on) sinus infections/head colds - try scanning between 4384 & 4416 by intervals of 8 HZ. [RS]

5000-8000 HZ - recharge "brain batteries" most rapidly. Fastest recharge at 8000 HZ. "The anxiety-easing, memory-expanding 60-beat tempo creates easy communication with the subconscious mind." [PSI]

5000 - Commonly used "cure-all" Rife frequency [TB+CR]; (used on) allergies, sinus infections/head colds - short use only -- long exposures destroy red blood cells. [RS/KFL]

8192.0 - 'Universal' Chakra (Note=C) [MWH]

9999 - General vitality & energy [KFL]

10,000 - Commonly used "cure-all" Rife frequency [TB+CR]; (used to treat) alcoholism, allergies, headaches [RS]

12,000 HZ - Keely Frequency (use with 620 HZ & 630 HZ) [TB]

16,000 - 20,000 - Upper range for normal hearing [MP2]

23,000 and up - Hypersonic Sounds [above human hearing]

38000 - 40000 HZ - Magic Window [EX via MM+TB]

42800 HZ - Aetheric dissociation/water resonance (water -> aetheric

force) [TB]

------- Note - down from this point are KHZ [kilohertz] values, not HZ values

150-160 KHZ - Magic Window [EX via MM+TB]

180 KHZ - Ferromagnetism [TB]

------- Note - down from this point are MHZ [megahertz?] values, not HZ values

1.1-1.3 MHZ - Magic Window [EX via MM+TB]

388 MHZ - Alleged to cause damage/disruption to humans [TB]

------- Note - down from this point are GHZ [gigahertz?] values, not HZ values

1.057 GHZ - Magic Window [EX via MM+TB]

------- Note - down from this point are PHZ [Petahertz] values, not HZ values (1 PHZ =

1,000,000,000,000,000 HZ.)

10 PHZ - Magic Window in the near ultra-violet range [EX via MM+TB]; "life energy" frequency [EX via MM]



The sources for each of the above-identified frequencies or frequency ranges are explained or derived from the references identified in the frequency listings as follows:

AA “Gates, States, Rhythms, and Resonances: The Scientific Basis of Neurofeedback Training”, Andrew Abarbanel, Ph.D., M.D.

ACS “Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures”, R. G. Jahn, P. Devereux, and M. Ibison (1996) “Rudimentary acoustical measurements performed inside six diverse Neolithic structures revealed that each sustained a strong resonance at a frequency between 95 and 120 Hz. Despite major differences in chamber shapes and sizes, the resonant modal patterns all featured strong antinodes at the outer walls, with appropriately configured nodes and antinodes interspersed toward the central source. In some cases, interior and exterior rock drawings resembled these acoustical patterns. Since the resonant frequencies are well within the adult male voice range, one may speculate that some forms of human chanting, enhanced by the cavity resonance, were invoked for ritual purposes.” http://www.princeton.edu/˜pear/Order—29.html

ANO Transcendental Meditation, Anthony Norvell, via email from bertei@yahoo.com.

APE Academic Performance Enhancement with Photic Stimulation and EDR Feedback, Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D, John Jordy, M.Ed. & others. Journal of Neurotherapy, http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/Vol3/JNT(3-3)2.htm

AS AlphaStim (research survey)

AT Auriculotherapy device information from Bentek Corp. Earlobe type electrodes are specified for some conditions, TENS or ECG type electrodes for others. Device has two channels, indicated for each ailment.

AUT “Positive Outcome With Neurofeedback Treatment In a Case of Mild Autism”, Arthur G. Sichel, Lester G. Fehmi, and David M. Goldstein http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT(1-1)8.html

AWI The Anna Wise Center, http://www.annawise.com

BAR BiologicalAgeReversor (Brainwave Generator preset), TheMind2 (alias), http://www.bwgen.com/presets/desc129.htm

BER Hans Berger, German Psychiatrist, 1929

BON Bone-healing/Restorative “Purring Frequencies” (Brainwave Generator preset), Created by: weap0ner@aol.com, http://www.bwgen.com/presets/desc186.htm

BH Barbara Hero, http://members.aol.com/Lambdom3/Chakras.html—the data comes from the following tables on her site





CA Compleat Astrologer, Derek & Julia Parker for slower physiological rhythms.

CAV “Cavanagh” (1972) [DW] associates Cavanagh with research done regarding brainwave frequencies and memory. He didn't give much information about [CAV], though.

CC Robert Becker, MD quoted in the book “Cross Currents” by Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, 1990 The book itself was referenced in this article: http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/DecloakingPathogens.html

CMP Owner's Manual for the Alpha-Stim® 100 microcurrent stimulator brand of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator, Complementary Medical Products Ltd., http://reiddds.com/products/100oman.html

CNS Epsilon, Gamma, Hyper-Gamma and Lambda Brainwave Activity and Ecstatic States Of Consciousness, Center for Neuroacoustic Research, © 1999. http://www.jeffthompson.com/articleepsitext.htm

CR Crane List, via the compiled lists on Turf's Electroherbalism Page. These are Rife-style frequencies, intended to be generated through an electromagnetic means. See glossary entry for Rife for more information.

CRI Crossroads Institute, “Brainwaves and EEG—the language of the brain”, http://www.crossroadsinstitute.org/eeg/html

DHA “CHIN MUSIC: An Evolutionary States Of Consciousness Model Of Language”, Dan Hawkmoon Alford, September 1988, http://www.enformy.com/dma-chin.htm

DSH Daniel Sheer [psycho-physiologist]

DW—Re: [bwgen] Water sound effect after listening theta waves, Dennis Webber, Yahoo Groups!: BWGEN, Tue Jul. 24, 2001 2:55 pm, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bwgen/message/2024

EH One Way To Improve Sleep, The Equinox Alternative [Etonhall], link://www.etonhall.com/ho14.htm

EI Exceed International, http://www.xtrememind.com, James R Plazo

EI-d Deep Mind IV (Brainwave Generator preset), James R Plazo (Exceed International) http://www.bwgen.com/presets/desc111.htm

EMC “40 HZ Brain Activity, Consciousness, and PSI” http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bwgen/message/3668

EQ Octaves and windows, Equinox, April 1988

ESR Table of ElectroSpectrum Rife Device Frequency Codes VS. Actual Frequency (in HZ) Output. Archived via the compiled lists on Turf's Electroherbalism Page.

EX Excalibur Briefing, Thomas E Bearden

EWI An unpublished work done by Dr. Edgar Wilson & students of the Monroe Institute who were attempting to have an out-of-body experience. He found that as the students moved out-of-the-body, their beta activity increased dramatically at T3 and/or T4 with the highest amplitudes appearing at 22 & 40-Hz. (John F. Gilbert, Ph.D. & Robert Moroney, D.A., CPPS.) http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT(2-1)5.html.

FAH Dr. Steven Fahrion presented a paper a couple of years ago concerning his work with healers and reported much the same results (as EWI). Perhaps these papers will be published at some future date. (John F. Gilbert, Ph.D. and Robert Moroney, D.A., CPPS.) http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT(2-1)5.html

GIA Giannitrapani (1969)

HC Hans Cuosto, Cosmic Octave, Life Rhythm. More on the cosmic octave at Planetware website http://www.planetware.de/tone/table.html] The HC entries may be used with sound or possibly vibration—HC advocated using tuning forks on precise body parts.

HOF Hoffman, Stockdale, Hicks, & Schwaninger, 1995.

HSW How Sound Works On The Body, Mindtech, (c) 2001 deadlink://www.mindtech.co.uk Note: the article was posted elsewhere: http://www.crosswynd.com/encounters.htm

INT Intelegen, Inc (website) http://brain.web-us.com/binaural.htm

JB James Bare, (“Bare book”) Archived via the compiled lists on Turf's Electroherbalism Page.

JG Jonathan Goldman, Sound Healing With Sound Healer Jonathan Goldman (website), http://www.healingsounds.com/.

JM James Mann [Enlightened Enterprises], Awakening Mind I: Creating Sound and Light Sessions on Advanced Programmable Mind Machines, 1996, excerpts from at http://marks.on.ufanet.ru/PSY/AVS5.HTM.

KFL Kinnaman, Kinnaman Frequency List And Possible Effects, Archived via the compiled lists on Turf's Electroherbalism Page.

LUB “ADD/ADHD”; Lubar, 1991.

MAG “Megabrain” (article name), Magical Blend Magazine, P.O. Box 11303, San Francisco, Calif. 94101, USA, Found at: http://www.chscene.ch/ccc/habi2/134_megabrain.html

MB Megabrain Germany

MB2=Megabrain Report, v1 #2; MB3=Megabrain Report #3, p. 19

MH Mind Expanding Machines: Can the GP Do for the Brain What Nautilus Does for the Body?, by Michael Hutchison, New Age Journal July/August 1987 Graham potentializer not in production.

MM Micromercurial Maze [website]http://geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2888/These frequencies mentioned are likely intended to be generated through electromagnetic means, rather than audio means.

MMF Melinda Mansfield—Researcher

MP1 Chant: The Healing Power of Voice and Ear, an interview with Alfred Tomatis, M.D., by Tim Wilson, in Music: Physician for Times to Come, an anthology by Don Campbell

MP2 Sonic Entrainment, by Jonathan S. Goldman, in Music: Physician for Times to Come, an anthology by Don Campbell

MPT This denotes the frequencies calculated for the revolutions of the various asteroids, risen to a high enough octave to be heard as a sound. The frequencies of the asteroids were generated using the following method:

  • Step 1) Find a table that gives the revolution times of the asteroids (most give them in years).

  • Step 2) Divide 1 by the number of years an asteroid takes to complete a revolution. (This will give you the fraction of a revolution it completes in one year.)

  • Step 3) Divide by 365 (fraction of revolution in one day). Then divide by 24 (fraction of revolution in one hour). Then divide by 60 (fraction of revolution in one minute). And divide by 60 again (fraction of revolution in one second).

  • Step 4) So, you're left with the amount of the revolution an asteroid completes in one second. Since this frequency is very small, you need to raise it until it's into the range of audible sound. Now, begin doubling the number—this raises its octave.

MWH Natural Healing—Sound Therapy, Miracle Wellness House (website)—http://www.miraclewellnesshouse.com/energy—3.html One thing that should be established about their Chakra system is they actually have the chakras repeating up through the various octaves. Each of the octaves represent a particular level of connection to things. The octave included here is associated with the physical body, according to the website.

NEU Neural Frequency Association Listings, The Neuro Matrix site—http://www.futuredynamicadvantage.com/research/frequencies.html

NME “A New Theory of Consciousness”, HEALTH/SCIENCE, New Mexican Apr. 7, 1995

NOR “Science Measures The Human Energy Field”, Nature's Own Research Association [Jim and Nora Oschman], article posted on this website: http://www.reiki.org/reikinews/ScienceMeasures.htm.

NSS Neurosync Software

NYT New York Times Science Section, 1989

OML Chakra Reference Chart, http://OMLOGOS.COM The chart seems to imply that higher octaves of those frequencies also are associated with the chakras mentioned, since it uses them in a musical context, saying that the Crown chakra is associated with the “musical series of B”, for example.

PL Power of Limits (see Accords chart) for colors and notes. There's some dispute over whether the color frequencies are accurate. It was mentioned on the Brainwave Generator message board these were wavelength values, not frequencies, technically.

PGS “Sub-threshold 10-Hz Sound Suppresses EEG Theta: Clinical Application for the Potentiation of Neurotherapeutic Treatment of ADD/ADHD”, Paul G. Swingle, Ph.D., C. Psych. http://www.snr-jnt.org/JournalNT/JNT(2-1)3.html

PM Color Therapy, Downtown Express Productions, LLC. Peaceful Mind-Alternative Medicine And Therapies [website] http://www.peacefulmind.com/color_therapy.htm

PSI PsiliPharm, “5,000 HZ Frequencies To Boost Growth Of Plants”, Cannibis.Com,

PWM “Playing With Your Mind”, Patricia Chamberlain, Unlimited Human magazine. March 1993.

QG China Healthways Inst.

RA Brainwave Entrainment Frequencies, Ray Auxillon, Jun. 15, 1999. members.tripod.com/˜speculation/brainwave.html*

RED The Rediscovery of Audio-Visual Entrainment, David Siever, C.E.T., (c) 1997, found chapter at: http://www.mindalive.com/2—0/ch6.pdf (updated link—MPT Aug. 29, 2004). The entry at 3 HZ was a reference to experiments conducted by Glen Solomon in the 80s using a device called a Dzidra Glass. This was a visual means of brainwave entrainment, rather than an audio means. The entry at 10 HZ was a reference to experiments conducted by Norman Shealy, who studied the effects of 10 HZ photic stimulation. (brainwave entrainment using pulsing lights rather than sound)

ROW Rowland (1968)

RP Astral Travel with Orgone Energy Machine, Ray A. Proper, Fry's Incredible Inquiry

RS Reid Smith, an assortment of frequency tables from various sources that RS compiled. Archived via the compiled lists on Turf's Electroherbalism Page. Those frequencies listed that were compiled by Reid Smith are Rife-style frequencies—see glossary entry for Rife.

RUS Russell And Carter in a blind study (need to research this one for more info.)

RV Primordial Tones: Meditation on the Archetypal Energies of Celestial Bodies, Joachim-Ernst Berendt, ReVision, Summer 1987 for planets.

RVX Remote Viewing: The Story Of The Real X-Files, Paranormal Management Systems, deadlink://www.fastnet.co.uk/pms/real_x.htm

SE “What Are The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies?”, SomaEnergetics.com, http://www.lightwithin.com/SomaEnergetics/2Solfeggio Frequencies.htm

SED The Sedona Sound Experience (website), R. Brian Caldwell, http://www.metasonics.com/

SS Silent Sounds website—http://www.mindspring.com/˜silent/menu.htm

SX “Re: Sexual Stimulation”, posted on the Yahoo Groups Brainwave Generator message board by “R. Verhey” on Mar. 9, 2002. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bwgen/message/3315

TB Frequencies . . . [“interesting, useful, and weird frequencies”], Terry Bastian [tbastian@dmv.com], from a message in the Keely Net BBS Archives posted in July of 1998: http://www.keelynet.com/interact/Arc—7—98-12 98/00000221.htm Again, the frequencies with this source listed are most likely intended to be generated through electromagnetic means.

TDM “Theta: Don't Tread on Me”, Marvin Sams Ph.D., R.EEG T, QEEGT, L. Ac. http://www.snr-jnt.org/JouranlNT/JNT(2-3)4.html.

TOS Table Of Sound Frequencies Corresponding To The Human Body, http://lullianarts.net/body.htm. The compiler doesn't name himself on the page, but he gives his references, which are: Les Plans d'Expression, Marie-Louise Aucher, Paris, Mame, and: Revelatio Secretorum Artis, Ivo Salzinger, in Beati Raimundi Lulli Opera Omnia, Minerva, Mainz, 1975

TS Schumann Resonances, Geomagnetic Reversals, and Human Brain States, Tony Smith—web article at—http://www.innerx.net/personal/tsmith/Schumann.html

VPL V. P. Lebedev (a Russian Researcher), studies from 1985-1990. (I got this source via M. Sandomirsky (marks@.ufanet.ru) on the Brainwave Generator message board: http)://groups.yahoo.com/group/bwgen/message/2552

VUG Voyager XL User Guide, ©1993 Theta Technologies.

WL Wolfgang Ludwig


Maintaining Flow State: Calendar for Menstruating Folks